
Life Of Pi Religion Essay

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This essay is about the many ways the book “The Life Of Pi” can have different point of views to one another. “The Life Of Pi” is a Survival type or theme, a teenage Indian boy that was in a shipwreck but survived while being stuck on a bout in the middle of the ocean along with a Richard Parker a tiger. The different perspectives some people may have are, Is the book pushing us to believe in god? How is this book telling us to believe in god? Which would you believe in this story?
The Life Of Pi does show some religion that Pi himself wanted to take on while in India, before they had left to Canada. Hinduism, Christianity and Muslim were the religion’s Pi was practicing all at the same time and the people around him did not agree with what he was doing. That did not stop Pi from Celebrating and doing what he enjoy’s. Until one day he did go to the Church and met someone that he had dozens of questions for and wanted answers right away. Pi would visit quiet often, By then he had met a girl and started to began a relationship. Although he was happy, it had to end. The family did not have enough to care for the zoo anymore to keep it in business due to the carefree people that …show more content…

Looking down at the patio of the ship, Pi saw water over flowing and getting into the ship. To see if his family was okay, Pi ran down the stairs and was hesitate when he saw the water has risen amazingly high. Pi tried to get to the room his family was in but no luck he was fighting the water that was to strong. Soon went back up and got on a life boat watching the ship sinking. Now thinking it was almost like a sign, Like why did pi wake up randomly? It was like sign that the ship was going to sink but God got him to go up and look outside not having him eve think about the ship

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