
Life Of Pi Savagery Essay

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The Savagery Within Savagery can result in the transformation of one’s character. The identity of an individual can be alternated when the process of savagery is taken place. Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi explores the relationship between savagery and identity. When an individual engages in the act of savagery it functions to alter his or her identity. This notion of savagery initiating will be revealed through actions, words and priorities of Pi. All humans express natural instinct through their actions. The actions in this novel work to display how savagery can alter one’s identity. “Tears flowing down my cheeks, I egged myself on until I heard a crackling sounded I no longer felt any life in my hands”(Martel 183). When Pi crushes the flying fish with …show more content…

Hep! Hep!-” “my tiger-language command to say “Do!”- “thousand of times” (Martel 273) Pi threw hundreds of meerkats morsels at Richard Parker. “Hep! Hep! Hep!”, this shows Pi’s identity altering from savage occurrences. Priorities are things that many people posse. They can take over your life and control you, at times they get to your head and giving up is not an option. “It was its blood that tempted me, the “good,nutritious, salt free drink” promised by the survival manual”(Martel 200). After Pi starves on the raft he is no longer capable of sustaining his humanity. “Its blood tempted me”. This means that Pi was very tempted to drink the turtle’s blood. Pi could not even waste one part of the turtle. He needed to drink the turtle’s blood he made it his greatest importance Pi has other priorities besides killing fish or drinking turtles’ blood. He has the will to survive. ‘“I tried once to eat Richard Parker’s feces”’ (Martel 213). Pi is no longer capable to survive, he had to try to eat Richard Parker’s feces. It does not concern Pi that he tried to eat Richard Parker’s fece. Pi has lost human like qualities and is now using savage characteristics to help him survive and

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