
Life Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

The only way one can learn a life lesson is to experience the hardships of that lesson for themselves. I personally experienced a hardship when my father was involved in a four wheeler accident. It was tough for not only my father but for myself as well as I was young and naive. However, I learned important life lessons through that hardship that I have carried with me everyday since. My father’s accident has taught me about the love of caring family and friends, to be thankful for and truly live every day that I am blessed with, and to stay positive.
It was a warm, normal Sunday afternoon in the summer month of August. My mom had taken me to my choreography class for dance, and my dad and brothers went on their usual four wheeler ride down to the creek with family and friends. Normally after my class, my mom would would be there ten minutes early to pick me up. However, my class ended and she was not there. I immediately knew something was wrong when my friend’s mom pulled me outside the studio. She then told me that my dad had been in an accident and was flown directly to the hospital in St. Louis. Instantly, I began to cry as I only thought of the worst possible outcomes, but my caring dance teacher came outside and comforted me as we left for the St. Louis hospital. The entire way there, my friend’s mom consolidated me by assuring me that my dad was tough and was going to be alright. Soon enough, we arrived at the hospital to find an abundance of my family in the waiting room with love in their hearts. My mom and older brother eventually told us what had happened and my dad’s state once we everyone calmed down. My dad was driving up a steep hill but he failed to reach the top. Therefore, the four wheeler ended up rolling back but flipped on top of him. My older brother immediately called 911 when my dad could not move an inch. My family later found out the four wheeler had crushed six of his ribs, and the broken ribs then punctured a hole in his lung making it difficult for him to breathe.
My family continually comforted not only my dad but me as well the entire evening at the hospital. Surprisingly my little brother relieved some of my somber feelings as he continually reassured me everything was alright

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