
Life Styles Inventory ( Lsi )

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Life Skills Inventory Analysis Who are we? How do we think and behave? What is the impact of our thinking and behaving styles professionally and personally? How do we change these styles? These are the questions we ask as leaders. The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is a tool designed to answer these questions. It is a tool “used to identify a person’s strengths and improvement areas focusing on beliefs, values, behaviors and assumptions about yourself” (Human Synergistics International, 2010). After completing the assessment, the results provide insight into an individual’s various styles, the impact to others, suggestions to change and there benefits. This narrative is an analysis of my results, how these styles are manifested in my life, and what actions. Personal Thinking Styles Primary Style After completing the Life Style Inventory, I was classified in the constructive cluster, whom will “reflect self-enhancing thinking and behavior that contribute to one 's level of satisfaction, ability to develop healthy relationships and work effectively with people, and proficiency at accomplishing tasks” (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Within the constructive style, my primary thinking style is identified as an affiliate, who “reflects an interest in developing and sustaining pleasant relationships” (Human Synergistics International, 2010). Professionally, I have demonstrated this style as I have developed relationships and networks necessary to resolve issues,

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