
Life and Death Overtakes

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About Death Death is a dreaded word. It is a word that many people would not want to talk about. Death is considered a morbid word and many would not find this as an engaging topic. According to Patricelli (2007), “[d]eath remains a great mystery, one of the central issues with which religion and philosophy and science have wrestled since the beginning of human history. Even though dying is a natural part of existence, American culture is unique in the extent to which death is viewed as a taboo topic. Rather than having open discussions, we tend to view death as a feared enemy that can and should be defeated by modern medicine and machines”. There are also people that have negative connotations about death, rendering life even …show more content…

But death becomes a source of grief especially when it comes in murders and accidents. Most of the time death of a loved one due to either of the two is almost unbearable, too painful and unacceptable. Sometimes, in their extreme grief, they would be questioning God for taking the life of the loved one. But almost all deaths results to loss and grief for those left behind. Grief is a normal emotional reaction to deaths of loved ones. It is often described by those that have gone through it as a heaviness that isn’t easily lifted. It can sometimes be so pronounced that it affects a person’s physical self and can even mimic illnesses (Morrow,2009). Death or end of life stage in medical parlance indicates that all human body organs cease functioning. Death occurs when all vital functions of the body including heartbeat, brainactivity (including the activity of the brain stem), and breathing stop irreversibly. Other signs of death include no pupil reaction to light, no jaw reflex (the jaw will contact involuntarily like the knee if tapped with a reflexhammer), no gag reflex (touching the back of the throat will induce vomiting), and no response to pain.
Those in hospital and being treated with terminal illnesses but whose body no longer response to medical treatment death is expected. The obvious manifestation involves that death has come is

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