
Life of Pi Essay

Decent Essays

Life of Pi Analytical Essay In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel uses the protagonist Pi to demonstrate how faith, ritual and one’s will to live save one from the barbaric and carnivorous reality. Pi Patel, lover of faith and various gods and their beliefs loses his family after a shipwreck and drifts on the Pacific Ocean with a zebra, hyena, orangutan and a tiger, Richard Parker each struggling in their own way to survive. Yann Martel uses the protagonist Pi to claim that one retains his or her survival will through writing. Martel includes the fact that Pi writes, “I die” as his pen runs dry because it symbolizes the break of his daily ritual. Pi unconsciously makes a ritual for himself daily to follow in order keep himself busy …show more content…

The journal keeps Pi from cannibalism and alleviates his loneliness but as journal entries stopped, Pi gradually began to lose his sense of humanity. Pi’s last entry in his journal, “I die” signified as the death of his humanity and “driven by the extremity of my [Pi’s] need and the madness to which it pushed me, I ate some of his flesh” (322). Due to Pi’s religion, he is a vegetarian and refuses to eat meat yet to survive, he abandons humanity. Being at sea gradually forces Pi to lose memories of his life in society. Pi admits to his “madness” when he decides to eat human flesh. From the perspective of society, eating human flesh is judged as cannibalism and when Pi begins to accept the fact of eating human flesh, he has already begun to lose a part of his humanity. Writing in the journal allows Pi to retain the thinking of society including its norms such as the consuming of the same species is unjust and mentally insane. When Pi’s ink starts to run out, he is unable to continue writing and that ends his last form of connection to his previous life living on land. At this point of the novel, Pi acknowledges his decline of humanity and with it, degrades himself and his will to live when he eats human flesh. Judging himself with the eyes of society, Pi begins to waver in his faith to survive. If Pi were able to continue his journal, Pi would not have mentally been driven to its end forcing Pi to give

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