
Life science

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Module Title Foundations of life and Social Science
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Assignment Title Life Science Component
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Word count 1008

1. Every time the left ventricle emits blood forcefully into the arterial systole a wave of distension and elongation is felt in the artery wall. The heartbeat produces this and it can be felt by palpating the pulse at any point where a superficial artery can be pressed against a bone, the brachial artery is the most common point where the pulse rate is measured. The normal parameter for a healthy person is 60 to 80 beats per minute, but varies considerably in different people (Grant and Waugh, 2010). The heartbeat, or cardiac …show more content…

It consist of an outer layer of loose connective tissue, this contains nerves, lymphatic tissue and blood. The middle layer of the bladder has smooth muscle fibres and elastic tissue, covering it loosely in 3 layers, and the mucosa (Grant and Waugh, 2010). The urethra is responsible for the outflow of urine from the bladder, it is made up of two main layers of muscle, the inner layer is under autonomic nerve control, and the outer layer is striated and is under voluntary control and an inner layer of mucosa (Grant and Waugh, 2010).

4. The skin is the largest organ in the body and is made up of hair, glands and nails. The epidermis is the superficial layer of the skin and has different levels of thickness at different parts of the body. There are no nerve endings or blood vessels in the epidermis, but its deeper layers are immersed in interstitial fluid from the dermis, which deliver oxygen and nutrients, and drains away as lymph (Grant and Waugh, 2010). The epidermis has several layers with the top layer being continually rubbed off and replaced with the protein keratin. The dermis is formed from connective tissue and is tough and elastic; it contains collagen fibres which are interwoven with elastic fibres. The collagen fibres hold water, which gives the skin its strength, but as we grow older this ability declines and wrinkles appear (Grant and Waugh, 2010). Skin contains sweat glands; these are found

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