
Light And Sugar Hypothesis

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When evaluating the result from this investigation it is evident that the sugar light is the most effective mix, based on the aspect of the plants grown by them. The Prediction in the hypothesis was correct as the plant that grew the largest amount was the plant with both sugar and light, however the statement that light was more valuable than sugar was shown to be incorrect. The first prediction was clearly correct, as it can clearly be seen by comparing table (t, 1) and table (T, 6) that the plant with sugar and light grew on average by .53cm in height while the one with only sugar lost on average 1.66 cm in height, the plant with just light lost on average .33cm in height and the plant with no sugar and no light grew only 2 cm in height. The factor of the amount of roots that grew completely support the hypothesis as the roots of the plant that had sunlight and sugar, as can clearly be seen by comparing (t, 1) and (t, 6) went up by 5 roots while the plant with only sugar on average gained .66 roots, the plant with just light on average only gained 2.66 roots and the plant with no sugar and no light on average gained 2 roots. This data also supports the hypothesis that light is more important than sugar as the plants with light grew more root than the plants …show more content…

The data also showed that the plants with sugar were the only one that grew leaves and the data showed that sugar was able to keep the plants alive while the lack of sugar led to it dying, as can be seen in appendix picture 6, this fact was also supported by the background research on the

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