When evaluating the result from this investigation it is evident that the sugar light is the most effective mix, based on the aspect of the plants grown by them. The Prediction in the hypothesis was correct as the plant that grew the largest amount was the plant with both sugar and light, however the statement that light was more valuable than sugar was shown to be incorrect. The first prediction was clearly correct, as it can clearly be seen by comparing table (t, 1) and table (T, 6) that the plant with sugar and light grew on average by .53cm in height while the one with only sugar lost on average 1.66 cm in height, the plant with just light lost on average .33cm in height and the plant with no sugar and no light grew only 2 cm in height. The factor of the amount of roots that grew completely support the hypothesis as the roots of the plant that had sunlight and sugar, as can clearly be seen by comparing (t, 1) and (t, 6) went up by 5 roots while the plant with only sugar on average gained .66 roots, the plant with just light on average only gained 2.66 roots and the plant with no sugar and no light on average gained 2 roots. This data also supports the hypothesis that light is more important than sugar as the plants with light grew more root than the plants
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The data also showed that the plants with sugar were the only one that grew leaves and the data showed that sugar was able to keep the plants alive while the lack of sugar led to it dying, as can be seen in appendix picture 6, this fact was also supported by the background research on the
Each section we added ( ml) of liquids. The null hypothesis that the growth of plants will be at its optimal value with tap water having a neutral Ph. The alternative hypothesis that there will be no change on the growth of plants in different liquids. Introduction:
The growth and survival of a plant depends on the reactions that occur internally called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a reaction that captures the sun’s energy and converts it, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose, with a byproduct of oxygen. Glucose is a sugar that provides energy to allow for a plant to grow and live. This experiment is to test how photosynthesis can be sped up with a home solution. The variable being changed in this experiment is the solution that the plant is being given. In this instance, some of the plants will be given Gatorade, rather than water. The question being asked is, How well will a solution found in the home affect plant growth?
However, my groups hypothesis was if we added the coffee grounds to the plant that it will grow faster in size verse, just using soil, water and light. The coffee grounds were the independent and the growth of our plant was the dependent. The goal of the experiment was to test the effects of coffee grounds which was the caffeine source. Our prediction was if we added the grounds into the soil then it would expend in size,
Throughout this experiment, we are researching the effect on the growth and survival of Wisconsin Fast Plants using fertilizer pellets to help with the growth of the plants. Wisconsin Fast Plants is a plant member of the crucifer family which is related to other plants (vegetables) such as cabbage, broccoli, turnips, etc. This plants are small and can grow very easily because they go through their cell cycle around 40 days. Wisconsin Fast Plants Fertilizers are different materials used that can provide plants with the nutrients it need to grow. (1) These plants are a good model system to study because they grew very quickly and didn’t need a lot of resources to grow making them the perfect plant to use for studies. (4) By using the fertilizers,
Plants are found everywhere on earth, up high on the ridge and down low in caves and caverns. The types of plants that live in these places depends on many factors. These factors are separated into two different categories, the biotic factors and the abiotic factors. Some of the biotic factors include, predation, competition, and habitat destruction. Plants with limited competition and large amounts of resources will be in a higher abundance than plants with limited resources and higher competition rates will be confined to areas and either out competed or will be the dominant species. Certain plants adapt to these factors and thrive and others don’t do as well. Some of the abiotic factors include, sunlight, water, temperature, and wind. These
The diagram above shows the two stages of photosynthesis. As you can see, light is a key component as it start the light-dependent reactions which produces ATP and NADPH, which is needed in the light-independent reactions to make glucose. So without light, there is no ATP and NADPH produced and thus no glucose produced, therefore the food chain cannot be started. Glucose is also needed to make DNA and hormones for plant growth, it is also require during plant respiration. So it can be established the light is vital for plant growth and it affects the height of plants indefinitely.
University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. E J H Corner, 2002. The Life of Plants. University of Chicago Press,
Follow the steps detailed in the first experiment to test the effects of an increase in light intensity on photosynthetic rates in corn (a C4 plant).
We hypothesized that at Miracle-Gro concentration 1, this solution will be the most effective towards the rate of growth because at pure solution, the concentration is so high that the effect will occur sooner than those of lower concentrations, and speed up the life span to expiry of all the plants in the single solution concentration. Because we accept as true, that pure concentration will have the highest rate of growth, we can eliminate this concentration from our second question. We have come up with the presumption that at the concentration of 0.1 solution will allow the plants to be the most successful for the longest period because concentrations less than 0.1 would not appear to have any effect. There would be limiting nutrients within the solution and therefore would have a yield due to the lack of Miracle-Gro
Endomycorrhizas are Mycorrhizae that penetrate the roots of most vascular land plants. These form a symbiotic relationship with the host plant, generally helping the plant survive competitive environments (mostly noticed in tropical regions) while accepting assistance from the plant in the fungus’ uptake of carbohydrates. An experiment was performed to show the difference of growth rate between a mycotrophic plant (chicory) and a non-mycotrophic plant (buckwheat) when grown in controlled conditions comparing a live Mycorrhizae media versus a sterile media, in competitive and non-competitive scenarios. After planting the seeds following the experiment design protocols, the following predictions were made; 1) The chicory will grow better in both live and killed single species vessels, and 2) The plants grown solo will do better than the ones in the presence of competitors. After 71 days of growth, all samples were harvested and biomasses recorded. The results indicate the first prediction to be true and the second to be mostly true, possibly accrediting the difference to random error. In addition, the results indicate the non-mycotrophic plant buckwheat, to grow better in the presence of competition.
In fact, it was Plant E which only received indirect sunlight. Plant A, by day twenty, had only grown to twelve and one-fourth of an inch whereas Plant B had grown to seventeen inches. Throughout most of the experiment, Plant A was never the tallest plant except for day(s) four and six. I believe the reason for this is due to the fact that since Plant A had a constant rate of light, it processed way too much energy for it to be a healthy intake. Therefore, my hypothesis was proven
The effects of light intensity and light wavelength on photosynthesis was observed in two different experiments and closer study of different pigments in spinach was observed. For the experiment where the effects of light was observed, it was found that a light intensity of 30 cm, wavelengths of blue and red lights show the greatest photosynthetic activity. The different pigments present is spinach were also observed and it was noted that though chlorophyll is the most abundant in plants, there are other pigments present as well.
A plant is any of the boundless number of living beings within the biological kingdom Plantae, these species are considered of low motility since this species generally generate their own food by sunlight. They incorporate a large group of commonplace life forms including trees, forbs, bushes, grasses, vines, plants, and greeneries. In this task we are experimenting the relationship between light and plant growth by growing plants in three different lights which are red light, blue light and white light. As I stated above that plants generate their own food by sunlight. Sunlight can be broken up by a prism into respective colors of red, blue, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet and white. All this lights have specific
Does different color light effect plant growth Without light, plants would die. The process by which plants live through the light is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis takes place within a plant; cells called Chloroplasts gather and store energy from sunlight and converts it into sugar for the plant to use. While the effects of natural light on plant growth is known; filtering light different color filters effects the plant’s growth as well.
The breakdown of starches into sugars gives the plant a food source to help it grow.