
Lighting In Edward Scissorhands

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It was a normal day. One couple decided to take a drive. The husband decided that he needed something from a tool shop. That was the day they had made the worst and best decision of their life. Everything was going great, until they drove on a bridge. All of a sudden, they lose control, almost hitting a dog. Just at the moment they thought they were safe, they fall into the river. Only minutes after, they find themselves walking into their house, only… no longer mortal. Only being confused and filled with questions, their only option is to cross over to the other world, and talk to BeetleJuice from director Tim Burton’s BeetleJuice. Childlike scenes like this only come from the director himself. Burton has always had an eerie, creepy, and childlike personality. His films can be all gloomy, fun, exciting, and sweet all at the same time. Burton’s gothic theme revolves around low …show more content…

He uses low key lighting often in Edward Scissorhands. In one of the key scenes, a character, Peg, is walking into Edward’s mansion. Peg is only a sweet makeup advertiser, only trying to sell her products, but once she walks into the mansion, she’s in a different world. She creeps up the stairs, where the scene is very dark and shadowy. Foreshadowing that Peg might be in danger. In another film, Corpse Bride, a male character named Victor is trying to practice his vows for his wedding. He goes into the deep dark woods, where low key lighting is used. While this may be dark, it becomes darker, more eerie, when Emily, the corpse bride, shows up in the scene. Although Burton uses dark lighting most of the time, he can also use high key lighting very well. In one of his films Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he uses very high key lighting when Willy Wonka takes Charlie and the other children into the Chocolate Factory for the first time. This high key made the scene very heaven like, and

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