
Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel Essay

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Identity is like soup, with a long line of different traditions: people either keep it the same or they add new flavors to it. Some families would add onions, others would add peppers, and after a list of traditional recipes they end up putting them together. In Like Water for Chocolate written by Laura Esquirel, it’s about a Mexican young girl who is born in a very traditional, old fashioned family. She realizes that the Mexican family tradition has completely ruined her love life with Pedro. However, she continues to still love this man, but because of Mama Elena’s overprotection she still can’t be with him. She begins to realize that the tradition should not continue because it gives people the reason to forget who they really are, or …show more content…

She goes from a mellow, passive, or almost barely speaking, to an aggressive and advocating tone against her mother and her sister Rosura. She is quick with her response, and raises her voice when arguing with them. The figurative language in the story depicts the transformation that Tita has to go through. The figurative language shows the sturdy connection between human’s feelings and food or women and their bodies. Poison is being used as a metaphor to indicate how the old society is being corrupted by new society. The magical realism, gives us the blend of an ordinary life with magic. Things that would never happen in reality, but is imported from the beginning to the end of “Like Water for chocolate” to make it enchanted. The story help us readers predict by delivering a hint of something that’s going to occur in the future. It foreshadows with in the lines and the ingredients that is listed at the beginning of every chapter. In the beginning of the chapter the setting of the story indicates the tradition of a girl being raised in the kitchen. Tita is the first in her family to make a different to go beyond the “status quo” and discontinue the oppression of women. She gives women a passage to have to make their own decisions, follow their hearts, but to never forget where they come from.
From the day she was born, Tita carried this burden. A burden so heavy and it was so heavy that it hurt. From the day Tita was born there was something inside of her, some

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