“LIKE THE SUN” by R. K. Narayan ABOUT THE AUTHOR. R. K. Narayan (1906–2001) was born in Madras, India. After completing his education, he taught in a small village school. Narayan left teaching to devote himself full time to writing, and in 1935 he published his first novel, Swami and Friends. Two other early works, The Bachelor of Arts and Mr. Sampath, helped establish his reputation internationally. The Financial Expert (1952), his first novel to be published in the United States, was followed by a number of other novels, The English Teacher (1953), The Man-Eater of Malgudi (1961), The Painter of Signs (1976), and A Tiger for Malgudi (1983). Among his short-story collections are Malgudi Days (1982), and The Grandmother's Tale and …show more content…
WRITER’S JOURNAL. 1. Write three similes comparing the sounds of certain types of music or particular instruments to other sounds. 2. Suppose that the headmaster had made his singing debut in a small concert hall rather than in the private audience of Sekhar. Imagine that you are a music reviewer for the local newspaper who has attended the performance. Write your music review including such information as a brief biography of the performer,
For this Assignment, I will be analyzing an exam from my MUS351: Elementary Methods Course. This exam constituted as the midterm covering an array of topics pertaining to the foundation of teaching music to students in primary grades. I did rather well on this exam, missing only two questions. In this analysis, I will discuss how I prepared for the exam, where the question came from, the type and topic of the questions I missed. Analyzing these things will allow for me to develop a better study plan to benefit my performance on future exams.
Find at least 5 similes (Comparisons using "like" or "as") in the text. Does his use of comparisons enhance the imagery of the text? If yes, how? If not, what is the significance of that imagery. - “The hair was yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll…” - “The face heavily powered and rouged, as though to form an abstract mask…” - “Her breasts were firm and round as the domes of East Indian temples…” - “To see the fine skin texture and beads of pearly perspiration glistening like dew around the pink and erected buds of her nipples.”
Throughout this semester we have done multiple writings, that have covered many of the readings done in the course. We started with our Warmth of Other Suns (WOOS) paper, then our legacy interview that connected to the WOOS paper. After completing those to essays we worked on a movie review for “In America” and then our own personal migration.
In this concert, Simi Strings Orchestra, there were twelve performers, who were teenagers and adults, in the ensemble. Most of them were adults, which some of them were college professors and professionals, who sometimes performed in a small orchestra. There were only two college students who had ever been participated in their high school and college orchestras. The instrumentation of this
Also, in the poems, “A Simile” and “Moon Rondeau” the authors use an analogy by comparing two things for the different stages of a relationship. For instance, in “Simile” it states “In whose limbs there is latent flight.” The author compares the deer (people) to
The first source that I have chosen for this assignment is from Catching up to the Joneses. The made for television movie premiered in Feb. of 2008. It was produced by Kenny Leon and written by Paris Qualles. The review was found in New York Magazine, which seemed to give a good overview of the television show. Much like A Raisin in the Sun, the story focuses on a black family living on the south side of Chicago that is striving to live a better life than they currently have. This means having a house in a nicer working-class neighborhood for the family. This article gave good information on how different performers played the parts versus the 1961 version of the original play that featured Sidney Poitier. The newer performance did help bring
Would you ever do something that you weren't supposed to do but you still did it to honor your orders? That what happened with the “Six Hundred”. They rode on horseback into “The Valley of Death” for a half league. They were obeying a command to charge the enemy forces that seized their guns. Even though it wasn't their post they were obeying orders and they went on with the battle.
The Baby Grand Piano is different from the Grand Piano because of the size difference and Baby Grand Piano doesn’t have three legs. The Egg Shaker takes a feature of an egg and there’s bead or something inside it the makes a high pitch sound. Voices is the sound that comes out of our mouth we can beats and sing with voice. The Ukulele is basically resembles small guitar with an hourglass shape. It also ha hollow soundboard with four strings. , The Native American Flute is different from the recorder I think the sound is more pure then the recorder. Also it’s made out of wood and there designs on covering it. The Conch Shell it sounds like a horn, and it makes tremendous loud which vibrate throughout the room. The Sleigh Bells has a lot of bells,
The survey results and the story “Like the Sun” relate really well. The story “Like the Sun” tells you that “No human being can ever look it straight in the face without blinking or being hazed” but in reality, people never want to tell the 100% truth, but they always want to hear the truth. In the story, Sekhar tells the Headmaster the truth about the music he is singing, and tells him he shouldn’t continue his lessons. The headmaster told Sekhar before Sekhar told the truth to him that he would have ten days to give him graded papers, but after he told the headmaster the truth he told him the papers would be due tomorrow. This shows that people can change after they have somebodies 100% truthful opinion, and that's why people don’t want to
3.You have been hired by a large public school system to construct a musical aptitude test. Describe how you would standardize your test and assess its reliability and validity. Explain why it might be more difficult to develop a valid musical aptitude test than a reliable one.
Thesis Statement: Music is an essential part of our lives and is important to the development and health of your body.
9) Was there music in the piece? If so, how did it contribute to the “world” of the piece? If not, was there a moment when you felt like music might have enhanced the action (be sure to specify what kind of music you’d want to hear in the scene: classical, punk, etc.)
The narration of the film In the Heat of the Sun is bathed in masculinity. The story basically follow the male protagonist and narrator, Ma Xiaojun, his gang of male friends, and the masculine world they inhabit. There are only three notable exceptions to a film that consists almost entirely of men and boys: the protagonist 's nameless mother, and two girls his age: Yu Beipei and Mi Lan. Both girls are amongst his cohort, and are therefore the main focus of the whole gang’s adolescent desire. However, the overwhelming masculinity of the movie leaves little room for the exploration of the female characters’ identities and personalities. In fact, perhaps unintentionally, the film In the Heat of the Sun objectifies the women, and reveals how
The sun is the largest object in the solar system. It is a middle-sized star and there are many other stars out in the universe just like it. Even though it is only a middle-sized star it is large enough to hold over 1 million Earth’s inside if it were hollow. The temperature on the sun is far too much for any living thing to bear. On the surface it is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit and the core is a stunning 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. But don’t worry we are over 90,000 million miles away, the sun could never reach us, at least not yet. The sun is a still a middle aged star and later in its life it will become a Red Giant. In this stage it will get bigger, and closer to us causing a temperature increase and most likely the