

Satisfactory Essays

Results Reporter | | Out of 10 questions, you answered 5 correctly with a final grade of 50% | | | | | | 5 correct (50%) | | | | 5 incorrect (50%) | | | | 0 unanswered (0%) | | |

Your Results: | The correct answer for each question is indicated by a . |
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| 1 CORRECT | |
Value is the customer's perception of all of the benefits of a product or service weighed against all the costs of acquiring and consuming it. The mileage of a car would be considered as a(n): | | | A) | functional benefit. | | | B) | experiential benefit. | | | C) | social benefit. | | | D) | psychological benefit. | | | E) | internal benefit. | …show more content…

| | | B) | direct marketing. | | | C) | personal selling. | | | D) | primary-demand advertising. | | | E) | public relations. | | | | | | Feedback: Difficulty: Hard
LO: 01-04
Topic: Publicity
Bloom's: Analyze
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Page: 25
Public relations uses publicity and a variety of other tools-including special publications, participation in community activities, fund-raising, sponsorship of special events, and various public affairs activities-to enhance an organization's image. | | 8 CORRECT | |
Advertisements, websites, press releases, brochures and point-of-purchase displays are all examples of: | | | A) | intrinsic touch points. | | | B) | company created touch points. | | | C) | consumer created touch points. | | | D) | unexpected touch points. | | | E) | extrinsic touch points. | | | | | | Feedback: Difficulty: Easy
LO: 01-05
Topic: IMC involves Audience Contacts
Bloom's: Remember
AACSB: Analytic
Page: 26
Company created touch points are planned marketing communication messages created by the company such as advertisements, websites, news/press releases, packaging, brochures and collateral material, sale promotions, and point-of-purchase displays along with other types of in-store décor. | | 9 INCORRECT | |
During an internal analysis conducted for the creation of the marketing plan of PSA Peugeot Citroën, Europe's second-biggest car manufacturer, the

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