“Lil Vert like Gerald”, the small black speaker blasts as we play three-on-three at the park. It’s 6:45 and I have to leave after this possession, I get the ball, shoot it then drain it. Game over. Although there are many important things in my life, three of the main ones are music, playing sports, and keeping my grades up. At the beginning, music has and always will be an important thing in my life. When I am on a road trip or am doing something that takes an extended period of time, I know I can turn on Spotify and drift into my own world. Also, if I ever feel perturbed or dejected, I can listen to my favorite album and feel great again. Third, music helps me prepare for activities such as football games or school. Lastly, music assists me whenever I’m working on something such as homework or a project for school. Next, participating in sports lets me be myself and will help me throughout my life. Sports have helped me grow into a better leader and gave me the ability to become a better person. If my teammates are ever down or upset about something, I now have the ability to help them recover from it and get ready for the next play or inning. Also, taking part in sports lets me be myself. Whenever I am on a field or a court, I can always do what I do best and forget about everything else in my life. …show more content…
Keeping my grades up will open new doors by expanding my job choices when I graduate high school and college. Also, having high grades will give me the opportunity to be on honor roll and high honor roll. Honor roll gives me a chance to be remembered for my academic abilities. Next, keeping my grades as high as they can be gives me intelligence that I can use in the future for the rest of my life. On top of that, working hard in school will pay off by giving me more opportunities in life and by creating a wider window for success in the future years of my
Music plays a big role in my life. I listen to it everyday. Music helps me process what emotions I am feeling that day. Emotions such as anger, happiness, depression and anxiety. For example in 2011 my commanding officer for young marines died. Then three month later my grandfather passed away. Everything felt hopeless, I was depressed and
Participating in sports has taught me to be responsible for my own actions. Whenever I fail I move on and keep on trying. I’ve struggled but in the end I overcame most of the obstacles I faced.( I learn from my my mistakes )Flag football has taught me to become a leader, however, track and field taught me
Music, it helps the world go ‘round. Whatever kind of music you like, how often you listen to it, it's all up to you. Most likely, you will enjoy many different genres. Often times, it helps you express yourself beyond speech. And like the French poet Victor Hugo said, “ music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that cannot remain silent.”
One thing I have a strong passion for in life is sports. My favorite one was volleyball. It taught me a lot about life and myself. My sophomore year I made varsity, but was upset when I sat the bench more than I played. However, I still pushed myself every practice and never gave up hope. This payed off because the next season I was a starter and a team captain. Being a student athlete has been an incremental part of who I have become in the future. I did not realize it at the time, but my participation in sports has affected my life in more ways than I thought. Consequently, sports have had a major influence on the career path I have chosen, and have also been a significant part of bringing my family together.
Music is a big part of my life as it is for most people. It is a way for people to relate to something if they are struggling or are just having a tough day. Music also can be a way of people to relieve stress; almost to calm themselves. The types of music that people listen to can very daily. I know that for myself I listen to mostly rap music but some days I can listen to alternative music mainly Green Day for hours.
Music is one of the most important and powerful thing in my life. Without it my life would be nothing but emptiness. I consider music as if it was my own therapist because heedfully auricular discerning it avails me de-stress, relax, and it can additionally avail me dispense my kept emotions. What it also does is it puts me in a positive (+) mood; positive mood equals positive thinking. If one who thinks that he can achieve one thing, will not be shackled by the troubles in the path of his own success. For this reason, I use the plus sign to represent the event of my day; to reach for
Sports taught me the qualities that help reflect in the classroom, in my team, and in the community. These resulted in my success throughout the academic year, in my team, and also in the community as well. I have accomplished a lot and plan to do more in the
Participating in a sport has been something that has impacted my life for the best. It has helped me to learn to better manage my time, work well with other students, and taking a leadership role. I have been involved in sports for nine years, I had played softball for two years, but I had been a cheerleader for nine continuous years. Being able to participate in sports throughout my school career has helped me prepare for my future in order to be able to juggle school and sports at the same time.
Music plays a huge part in my life. I listen to music pretty much every chance I get. I listen to music on a car ride, before a game, after a game, before practice, etc. I feel like music helps me do a good job in everything i do, from in the classroom or on the field.
While I was younger, me and my family always did sports. I played soccer, little league baseball, basketball, softball, volleyball, and track starting this year. All of these sports made me happy and joyful. The sports I play, reveal so much about me and the character people can learn from me. I am hardworking, I won't give up on anything through any circumstance. Through a hard practice or game, I will work hard till the end. I am athletic, I
Throughout my life, no single thing has had a greater impact than music. It has made me who I am today, and I cannot remember a time when music wasn’t a huge part of myself - my earliest memories all contain the music that my parents played. Beyond being a product purely for enjoyment, as it was for a long time in my earliest years, music has gone on to become a fundamental part of who I am, how I spend my time, and who I spend that time with. It motivates me to be better for numerous reasons. I credit my early involvement in music with most of the successes I have had to this date.
When people say "music saved my life," they are saying they found themselves once to be weak and eventually found strength through music. You can find yourself alone in the life you live but when you listen to music you realize you'll never be alone. I believe music gives people a sense of hope that they don't have to feel like they're the only one's going through things. Music can express more than words and it gives people a constant when their world seems to be chaotic. It's something some people need in their life and to be who they are and go on day by day.
Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing-a-long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends..
Music is the reason why I do what I do. It is the reason why I am learning how to play the ukulele. Since music has helped me so much, I figure it can help others too! Maybe when I’m older I can start a band or just professionally play music to help other people who have gone through the same things I have. Music is my friend that has always been there for me! Music was there to make me happy when I’m depressed. It was there to make me maintain my happiness. It has helped me realize things in life that people don’t like to talk about like how suicide is an actual problem and how there are people who can feel the same emotions as me. Music has made my morals and changed them throughout the different genres and bands and composers etc. I listen to. I have learned from some that life is short so I need to be grateful and live like there is no tomorrow. Which I struggle with sometimes but it 's a reminder. I have aquired the knowledge that I need to be myself and just do what I want to do no matter the criticism that others give (ex. drawing, singing, instruments, video games). People are always going to hate on me just because they want to, for no good reason they
Music is apart of my culture. As a hispanic, music affects the way I dance, and what I'm forced to listen to on a Saturday morning driving to church. Music is a major part of why I'm still sane. With all the stress, drama, emotions, and insecurities I face as a teenager, music allows me to escape to a place in my mind where all that matters is the rhythm pulsing through me, and the vocals that I pretend come from my lungs. While listening to music, I'm no longer stressing about the 70% I got on my math quiz or worried about If I put enough make-up on. Music is apart of my everyday life and there is not one day I go without it.