Linbarger Company faces the problem or the challenge of the ethical dilemma. Ethical dilemma explains a situation where the company has to choose between two options. Choosing any of the two options will bring negative results based on the set accounting standards and guidelines. Nevertheless, the less the accountant has to take either of the options to save a certain implication from happening and living the other and be ready for the consequences. Linbarger Company has to choose whether to breach the contract agreement with the insurance company or to break the accounting regulation for late closure of accounts. 2. The ethical consideration in the case larger company the breach of contract and the violation of the End-of-the month accounting
By using the principle of justice, I would refrain from manipulating financial statement and go with the ethical decision. In addition, I would find out alternatives that can help employees save their jobs. I would come up with other cost saving techniques like cutting labor and cost of material being used.
In the above case study the ethical dilemma is whether to give the contract to company A which is a fair option among the two or give the contract to company B because it is run by Nirmal’s friend Devraj.
Ethical dilemma is the concept of a complex situation where there is no apparent answer or there are two competing solutions (Winch). It is unlikely that one will achieve the correct answer in an ethical dilemma as the answer will vary due to several factors influencing the person’s reasoning. Factors such as culture, environment, education, family, religion, age, gender, media outlets, etc. can influence someone’s point of view in an ethical dilemma. The case study, “Bankruptcy at the Philadelphia Inquirer” represents a dilemma with no clear or apparent answer.
For a given ethical dilemma, there is usually a dominant pair. Frequently, more than one must be considered, and sometimes all four. But, as Kidder
CEO John McDonough decided on making acquisition of Calphalon and Rubbermaid, which influent shareholders’ confidence.
The ethical dilemma Bob faces in this case is a transaction that makes Bob question his and the company’s ethics and legal obligations. It’s February, business was slow, the company was $5,000 below their breakeven point, and it appeared as if a
It is a relevant ethical dilemma because it is a situation in which an ethical decision needs to be made by a businessman (CFO of Gabriel Resources) where viable options to this case are available which will be judged further in this essay by applying ethical theory and concepts.
Ethics are values and principles that individuals use to govern his decisions and activities. Ethics are about moral judgment of an individual about right and wrong. In an organization, code of ethics refers to set of guiding principles and organizations use these principles in their policies, programs, and decisions for business. Within organizations, decisions are taken by groups or individuals and these decisions are influenced by the culture of the company. Decision making and relevance of ethics may also differ for nonprofit and for profit organizations. In contemporary business environment, organizations must have a clear ethical policy and implement it in proper manner. There are many social, legal and economic outcomes that company has to face in case of any ethical dilemma, so there must be a smart strategy to deal with ethical dilemmas. In this paper, we will address the ethics for nonprofit and profits organizations, ethical dilemmas being faced or faced by each of these companies and the outcomes of these ethical dilemmas. Critique of actions of each of these companies will be provided from the point of view of applicable philosophical theories of organizational ethics.
This is the inception of the ethical dilemma that Kent faces throughout this case as he becomes conflicted by his moral duty to the company. An ethical dilemma is a situation where the decision maker must decide on the best course of action when no matter the course chosen, an ethical principle is compromised and no perfect, explicit solution
How would you describe the ethical dilemma confronted by the managers at the law firm?
2. Ethical Issues in Business. It seems that every day in the news we are hearing of new company that has acted at least unethically and possibly illegally in the operation and financial reporting of their company's business dealings. There are many ethical issues in business. One major issue that we see is over and under reporting net income. Companies like to show that every quarter the net income of the business has an increase or profit. In order to show this they adopt unethical or illegal means in the operation and financial reporting. One such method is the indiscriminate use of stock options for employees that enable companies to take employment costs off balance sheet and inflate earnings. With the recent ethical issues we have
A New Pair of Eyes: Taking the Most Beneficial Approach to an Ethical Dilemma Nokwazi Ndzabandzaba University of the People Abstract In response to the presented ethical dilemma, “A New Pair of Eyes”, this paper attempts to determine the most beneficial approach to addressing the ethical dilemma through; first exploring and identifying the best course of action that the agent, Mark can take to address the nonconformance to company policy by Barb. Second, by exploring two approaches: the individual approach and communal approach and determine the best approach. The paper concludes by making an argument for the communal approach which puts the common good of the company and its employees over the individual, Barb.
ethical approach can be taken in the best interests of the company. Again, to maintain a strong
We believe that the ethical issue described in the case study is an Ethical Dilemma. This is because there is no perfect solution to the issue. All of the possible outcomes have a negative aspect to them; therefore we will be choosing which outcome is the best option even though none of the outcomes are ideal. Additionally, we are the moral agent and it is our principles that are being violated.
Ethical and legal obligations apply to all members of society. As one in society, the obligation to act in an ethical, law abiding manner on a daily basis is vital to the integrity of daily life. Many professions have their own code of ethics. Financial reporting is not exempt from such ethical and legal standards. One’s lively hood depends on decisions made in the business world. Business transactions are done daily and can impact one’s economic stability. Trust is placed in the hands of corporate America and an obligation of financial reporting to reveal a complete honest and legal picture of an entity’s accounting practices is important in attaining trust. This paper will discuss the obligations of