
Who Is Lincoln Steffens?

Decent Essays

Dean Melillo, I have found a wondrous student that would be perfect for our University, his name is Lincoln Steffens. Lincoln Steffens is a famous muckraker, Who fought for political corruption, controlling the gap between rich and poor and ending Laissez-Faire. He did so, by writing hundreds of articles in multiple magazines and newspapers against cities and groups all around the country. I strongly recommend you admit Lincoln Steffens to the United States University.
Lincoln Steffens had great success, mostly from his mentor Jacob Riis, but he was also the man in the shadows. For instance, he helped Upton Sinclair with his meat packing industry plan. He helped Ida Tarbell with her article on the Standard Oil Industry. He also helped many more young and inspiring Muckrakers with their projects. Which appoints that he stands for the six goals of the Progressive Movement. …show more content…

Even though he was a fantastic muckraker he had his beliefs that separated him from other people. For instance, around 1916 Lincoln Steffens took a trip to Mexico to gather information of an article about the Mexican American tension. But instead he decided to take Mexico’s side of things, because of their unique universal designs. Another example was when he died in 1936 at the age of seventy. He was convinced that liberal democracy was dead, and that communism was inevitable. He believed that because of his 1921 trip to Russia with his new wife Ella Winter, and a few others. He originally was there with William Bullitt, who was Secretary of State at the time, they were sent to negotiate with the Russians, and Steffens started to grow fonder of the Russians. After that trip he became a man of the communists. But, at the same time, he did help stop the

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