
Linda Brent Quotes

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Linda Brent is a strong-willed young girl who began life naïve to the fact that she is a slave. She is confident and has a strong sense of self which makes her deny the fact that she is a slave and is owned by another person. Linda has great spiritual and mental strength which helped her during the many years she spent suffering. She is a very loving and compassionate person; she evens feels sympathy towards Mrs. Flint despite Mrs. Flint’s hatred and jealousy towards her. Throughout her life Linda suffers many betrayals, this results in her finding it difficult to trust people.

Dr. Flint is Linda’s master who is a very corrupt and controlling man. He is obsessed with Linda, although he has complete control over her that is not enough for him. He tries to break Linda down emotionally and mentally and make her surrender to his authority. He never beats Linda but, many times he threatens her and violently punishes his other slaves in her presence just to make a point. Dr. Flint shows the reality of the slave system which is very brutal and inhumane. Throughout the story in which Linda tells Dr. Flint never shows and indication that he feels guilty for how he treats Linda and the other slaves. …show more content…

She uses the money that she earns from the bakery to buy her children’s freedom from slavery. Aunt Martha watches as many of her children and also her grandchildren are abused and sold by their owners. She both helps and hinders Linda during the time of Linda’s escape. She provides a good home for her but, also urges her not to run away. She struggles between trying to keep her whole family together and letting go of them so that they can be free. In the end Aunt Martha succeeds in letting go of

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