
Listening Skills, Skilled Interaction: Research, Theory And Practice

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Listening Skills
Beverly Mucene
Davenport University

Listening Skills

In today’s society, where communication is advanced, the importance of listening skills is often times discounted for its importance in communication. Research shows that 45% of adults spend their time listening which is a skill that must be developed. According to, “Skilled Interaction: Research, Theory and Practice”, (London: Routledge, 2011) (p.177), the average worker spends 50% or more of their day listening while managers spend over 65% of their day listening. First, listening is the way to learn information. It helps leaders meet the needs of others in the community or on the job to reach goals. Listening decreases stress, …show more content…

In terms of leadership, listening is essential to working individually or in a team environment. It is the key to forming effective business relations between management and staff, patient and caregivers, and interdisciplinary teams. For example, working in health care team nurses must actively listen to their patients, the families, other disciplinary team members, management as well as their colleague to support safe patient care. According to Boykins, interdisplinary listening and communication in work teams is an important obligation in the nursing practice, collaboration and patient focused care; in order to improved quality of life and safety needs of patients in the health care environment (Boykins, 2014). Working in a fast paced, time sensitive environment the ability to listen actively directly affect the outcome of the patient and the organization. Poor listening skills contributes to high error and decreased production on the …show more content…

She is 70- year- old widower, no children, and lives alone. After walking into the room, listening and talking with her about her situation she was able to calm down and accept her illness. She later thanked the staff for simply taking the time out to listen to her as she grieved and provide emotional support. Some things to do as a leader to enhance listening would be to face the speaker when communication. Facing the speaker when communicating shows interests in what the speaker is trying to communicate. Maintain eye contact and lower distractions. By maintaining eye contact shows the speaker that you are trustworthy and helps in capturing attention. Eye contact shows professionalism as well as confidence. Eye contact helps you to focus on what the speaker is saying while ignoring external distractions. Thus, listening skills is a process and skill that can help improve and benefit us as leaders, employees and as communicator. Listening skills is beneficial in the community, workplace as well as personal relationships. Many advantages for developing listening skills are learning new information, business progressing towards success and building relationships. With proper education and training and practice listening skills are

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