Listening Skills
Beverly Mucene
Davenport University
Listening Skills
In today’s society, where communication is advanced, the importance of listening skills is often times discounted for its importance in communication. Research shows that 45% of adults spend their time listening which is a skill that must be developed. According to, “Skilled Interaction: Research, Theory and Practice”, (London: Routledge, 2011) (p.177), the average worker spends 50% or more of their day listening while managers spend over 65% of their day listening. First, listening is the way to learn information. It helps leaders meet the needs of others in the community or on the job to reach goals. Listening decreases stress,
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In terms of leadership, listening is essential to working individually or in a team environment. It is the key to forming effective business relations between management and staff, patient and caregivers, and interdisciplinary teams. For example, working in health care team nurses must actively listen to their patients, the families, other disciplinary team members, management as well as their colleague to support safe patient care. According to Boykins, interdisplinary listening and communication in work teams is an important obligation in the nursing practice, collaboration and patient focused care; in order to improved quality of life and safety needs of patients in the health care environment (Boykins, 2014). Working in a fast paced, time sensitive environment the ability to listen actively directly affect the outcome of the patient and the organization. Poor listening skills contributes to high error and decreased production on the …show more content…
She is 70- year- old widower, no children, and lives alone. After walking into the room, listening and talking with her about her situation she was able to calm down and accept her illness. She later thanked the staff for simply taking the time out to listen to her as she grieved and provide emotional support. Some things to do as a leader to enhance listening would be to face the speaker when communication. Facing the speaker when communicating shows interests in what the speaker is trying to communicate. Maintain eye contact and lower distractions. By maintaining eye contact shows the speaker that you are trustworthy and helps in capturing attention. Eye contact shows professionalism as well as confidence. Eye contact helps you to focus on what the speaker is saying while ignoring external distractions. Thus, listening skills is a process and skill that can help improve and benefit us as leaders, employees and as communicator. Listening skills is beneficial in the community, workplace as well as personal relationships. Many advantages for developing listening skills are learning new information, business progressing towards success and building relationships. With proper education and training and practice listening skills are
Communication with patients and other doctors is a key aspect in keeping a nursing job. Since a nurse is often a patient’s advocate as well as a link between family members and hospital staff, the ability to effectively speak and listen is critically important (New to Nursing).
Listening is a profession setting allows us to form relationships with other coworkers, understand the needs and wants of others, properly understand the tasks at hand, and be able to differentiate between the levels of communication other have. Listening enables us to be able to perform better in a job and understand what others expect of you. Some significant barriers that are apparent in a communication setting would be noise, the inability to function as an active listener, and the failure to limit distractions. Many times we are given the chance to properly react to these barriers. By doing so, we allow ourselves to be much more effective in the work environment and allow others to be effective as
Working in a restaurant was one of the best learning experiences in developing personal and team oriented relationships with individuals of all backgrounds. Eleven years later I still used these gathered skills, now further sharpened, that are essential to my current job as a hair stylist. Aside from working with people of all ages, there are a number of skills that I find were most influencing into how I operate today. One of these skills was the effective quality of listening. One of the biggest problems in the work place today is that people are unaware or decline to effectively listen. Listening to people by vocal communication is one of many forms we translate information. Understanding body language, facial expression, tone of voice are all imperative attributes to effectively communicate. This is a strength that I take in pride in being knowledgeable towards. I’ve realized the priority of patience with many years of working one on one with individuals. One is unable to effectively move forward without understanding the perspectives of the people we communicate
Effective communication is essential for a nurse in a leadership position. If a nurse is not able to convey or transfer pertinent information to other team members or clients, conflict or problems can arise. A nurse is able to effectively communicate through creating synergy, establishing a purpose or goal, actively listening, being truthful, and being responsible. When a nurse leader is able to successfully communicate, patient safety increases and medical errors decrease which leads to a higher percentage of positive patient outcomes. Effective communication fosters positive nurse-patient and nurse-team member relationships.
In the interest of enhancing the therapeutic communication between patient and nurse, listening is an effective skill to demonstrate interest and obtain important information. It may seem like a simple task, but the nurse must understand that their patient may be very vulnerable to contradictory opinions, so ensuring that one is mindful of their facial expressions and body language is important. Listening does not simply mean to sit there and hear what the patient has to say. Tan Jia Xing Jasmine explains that nurses must
Listening is more complex, and it encourages one to analyze and think about an idea, rather than to simply accept it (or “hear” it). Hearing is a skill that is beneficial for every aspect of life. As long as we have our ability to hear, we will always perceive different sounds, music, and voices. Listening, however, is beneficial to us in specific instances. It is important for us to attain good listening skills in education, the work force, and in our relationships with others in order to succeed. Good listening in education will bring about confident participation in class discussions; good listening in the workplace will lead to cooperation and good teamwork among colleagues; good listening in relationships is healthy and positive, for it is important to hear what an individual has to say in order to know how they feel.
Many believe listening skills are a necessity to being successful. It’s said that god gave us two ears so we can listen twice as much as we talk, and leaders should follow this saying so they do not miss any important information (Rai).
Given that listening accounts for 45 per cent of time spent on communication (Eunson 2012:310), argue the importance of listening skills in the workplace. Your analysis should identify three specific listening behaviors and provide examples to demonstrate how these skills promote communication and understanding. Support your analysis with relevant communication theory and evidence from appropriate academic sources.
Let´s focus on communication, specifically listening. , As employees each of you have a leadership role based on your positions. In these positions you are required to take instructions, present guidance, make decisions, and implement policy. If you cannot listen effectively, you will miss critical instructions, mislead guidance, make less informed decisions, and hopefully never implement the wrong policies.
In order for both teams to collaborate and successfully provide care to the patient, they must possess effective communication skills. For example, both teams should be active listeners. Listening actively reflects respect for what each person is thinking. With mutual respect, team members
Besides providing more information than any other activity, listening builds deep, positive relationships and tends to alter constructively the attitudes of the listener. Listening is a growth experience.
Listening is paying attention to the speaker’s talk including nonverbal communications. It helps you not only to get information about the speaker’s problems and personality, but also to help the speaker to get another standpoint and build a relationship of trust. In order to develop listening skill, Zenger & Folkman (2016) says that you should set a safe situation without disturbance, understand the speaker’s problems and emotions, and help the speaker to see the problems from a different perspective.
Listening is more than just hearing. The process of listening involves receiving and constructing meaning, and responding to verbal and/or nonverbal messages. In other words, listening is not always easy and being a good listener is all about developing listening skills. To receive messages appropriately we have to listen actively. Active listening can be broken down into three important skills; first of all you have to reflect the feelings that the person is communicating, secondly reflect the content that they are communicating and finally ask good, meaningful questions.
What stood out to me when I read The Art of Listening and Communication & Listen Skills is that I have to take other people’s feelings into consideration. Being able to understand others is essential to my learning. The reason for mentioning this I need to be open to what people have to say because I don’t know where they are coming from. In the Art of Listening, it stated that a person should us I when are taking charge, we do so to form unity. The only “you” should ever be used to address someone in a group who is not contributing. Effective Listening skills states that people react to “55 percent facial expression, 38 percent tone of voice and 7 percent words.” I will take this into consideration when applying these skills and by keeping a low voice a straight face.
Viewing listening competence from a behavioral perspectives,Wolvin (2009:137)asserts that listening competence must be understood as more than behavioral practice. He further clarifies that competence in listening demands both knowing about listening and doing or engaging in appropriate listening behavior. Pursuing with