
Literary Analysis Of Boys And Girls By Tim O Munro

Good Essays

Analysis of “Boys and Girls”
There was a time when society did not consider men and women as equal. Men were considered as the superior human being and the dominant figures of authority in the house while the woman had to be a subservient. Alice Munro uses some interesting details in “Boys and Girls” to hold the readers captive. She takes us on a journey in an era where the male child was deemed more important than the female child. “Boys and Girls is a story about a girl’s struggle in accepting the role society has forced upon her in such a vivid manner that it draws the reader to want to know what happens next. In “Telling Tails,” by Tim O’Brien, he illustrates what a good story should be by using story examples. O’Brien believes that “Boys and Girls” is good story because the author uses a well-imagined plot, striking and dramatic elements, and the ability to reach deep into the heart of readers.
The author of “Telling Tails” elaborates on how a good story should be by saying “…, a well-imagined story is organized around extraordinary human behavior and unexpected and startling events, which help illuminate the commonplace and the ordinary” (O’Brien). If a story does not afford the reader the luxury to imagine these extraordinary events in our lives, the reader can be easily bored and lose interest in wanting to know more. An example of a well-imagined story that captivates its reader can be deduced from “Boys and Girls.” In this story, the father introduces his female child as a hired man to a salesman who says, “Could of fooled me…I thought it was only a girl” (Kelly 305). The statement being used can tell the reader how a female was thought of as an unimportant person. The author does not mention the obvious but leaves the readers to the device of their imagination. O’Brien would deem this story as a good one as the author is successful in telling a well-imagined and organized story about extraordinary human event and the place women had in society.
O’Brien also shared another quality that a good story is striking and dramatic. He informs readers that “even if one’s goal is to depict ordinary human beings in ordinary human settings, a story must find striking, dramatic, and unexpected ways to accomplish

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