
Literary Analysis Of East Of Eden By Adam Trask

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A Father, a Brother, and a Wife In the novel “East of Eden”, written by John Steinbeck, readers follow a man named Adam Trask from his childhood up to his death. His life is an exhibit of struggle, perseverance, and naivety; in which all of these qualities seem to be apparent in his significant relationships. As the story progresses, Adam has his fair share of relationships, and not all of which are healthy. He slowly but surely has to learn that even people he loves have the ability to hurt him and that those relationships may be detrimental to him and his family. Adam Trask repeatedly displays how the theme of relationships is recurring in “East of Eden”; with his father, Cyrus Trask, his half-brother, Charles Trask, and his ex-wife, Cathy …show more content…

Adam and Charles were taught to respect their father and look at him as a role model for the perfect man and what they should strive to be. However, early on, Adam realizes that “…[Cyrus] was, indeed, a very strong-willed and concentrated little man wearing a huge busby,” (p.20). When Adam is sent into the army against his will but by his father’s wishes, he knows that Cyrus only sent him in to live out his army career that was cut short by losing a leg. As Adam pays his time, he does every job he can that does not involve fighting, which could very easily be argued as a way to quietly rebel against his father, because in Cyrus’ eyes, Adam was a frail and weak man that needed to be strengthened. Given this experience, Adam lacks a solid father and the lessons that come along with that …show more content…

It seems that Adam instantly felt empathy for her, as “…his mind went back… his stepmother was standing over him with a damp cloth in her hand, and he could feel the little running pains as the water cut through,” (p.110). This empathy may be why Adam had such a hard time letting her go after he realized how sinister she was. Despite Cathy trying to kill her baby with a knitting needle after realizing she was pregnant and without even telling Adam about it, and after she shot him, he had to physically see her in a whorehouse in her ugly state to get over her and live his life. This may be the most prominent relationship in the book because of her effect on Adam and how his character develops. If Adam did not have Lee, the housekeeper, and Samuel, his friend, Adam’s two boys may have had a father just like Adam and

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