Yaquelin Martinez
Language Arts
19th of October
Literary Analysis
“Yet another kingdom falls to your glory. Is there no end to your power and beauty.” -Mirror (Snow White And The Huntsman) Can beauty conquer all? Snow White And The Huntsman is a movie directed by Rupert Sanders unlike your ordinary Little Snow White by The Brothers Grimm, in Snow White where little Snow is tricked each time by her stepmother's bad doings Snow White The Huntsman has a twist in love and in the wicked witch. The witch/queen is obligated to stay beautiful and young because of a curse that was put on her at young age by her mother, the witch in Little Snow White just wanted to be beautiful because she wanted to be fairest of all. Little Snow White’s witch is a powerful antagonist and beautiful as well as intelligent as presumed in Snow White And The Huntsman where the Queen/Witch is beautiful but also cruel to everyone and not just Snow White and her reasons for beauty are because she was cursed at a young age by her mother and she must stay beautiful and young.
In Snow White And The Huntsman(SWATH) Revena also known as the witch is very beautiful indeed but that beauty that she has, she uses in a cruel matter because of a past that she cannot forget and a curse that was put upon her at a young age it shows her her hatred of the curse and her hatred towards people grows “Do you hear that? It's the sound of battles fought and lives lost. It once pained me to know that I am the
To kill a mockingbird can mean many things. It’s the title of a book that has been bought 40 million times. But, it also has a definition. To kill a mockingbird means to destroy innocence. The theme of my literary analysis is mockingbirds. Mockingbirds in TKAM are innocent things tainted by the skewed society of Maycomb. Some of these mockingbirds are Boo Radley, Tom Robinson, and the children. To Kill a Mockingbird is a book set in a small Alabama town in the 1930’s. The main character and narrator is Jean Louise Finch, but is almost always called by her nickname, Scout. Scout, her brother, and her summer friend Dill get into all kinds of mischief while living in the racist society of a 1930’s Alabama town. Scout’s dad, Atticus, is a prominent lawyer in Maycomb and is appointed to a controversial case, and is defending a black man. Scout and her brother, Jem go through many troubles and learn many lessons from the days leading up to, and during the trial. The trail makes their family some friends and a lot of enemies. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a story of courage and despair. Throughout TKAM, mockingbirds are used as an example of something innocent being tainted by the skewed society of TKAM. Some great examples of these are Boo Radley, Tom Robinson, and the children.
Though this could be explained away by luck or coincidence seems magical since most cannot simply request a child possess specific features. Then when the dear child is seven years old she begins to outshine the beauty of her stepmother who employs a hunter to kill the child. This huntsman though reluctant almost kills the young girl until she speaks; overcome by her beauty and innocence the huntsman cannot kill her and lets her escape (84). This again could be explained away as him simply having a soft spot for the beautiful child. Next she meets the seven dwarfs whose house she invades, whose food she steals, and whose beds she uninvited sleeps in, yet after seeing her face they invite to live with and by supported by them in exchange for some simple housework (85). Finally, after being poisoned by an apple and lane to rest in a glass coffin, Snow White is spotted by a traveling prince who is so enchanted by her beauty that he convinces the dwarfs to let him take her with him so that he might look upon her face always. And when the apple is jostled from her throat he professes his love to a girl he has only ever seen (89). Not only is her birth enchanted but her beauty appears to be as well. The older she gets the more people follow and obey her simply by looking at her. She enchants them. Her beauty is so magical that she, maybe unintentionally, controls the actions of those around her. This means that she not only saves herself from the
As a child, I was told fairytales such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs every night before I went to sleep. Fairytales are an adventurous way to expand a child’s imagination and open their eyes to experience a new perspective. Modernizations of fairytales typically relate to a specific audience, such as adolescence, and put a contemporary spin on the old-aged tale. Instead of using whimsical themes heavily centered in nature, the contemporary poems connect with the reader in a more realistic everyday scenario. Also, many modernizations are written in poetic form to help reconstruct a flow in the piece and to develop or sometimes completely change the meaning from that of the original fairytale. Comparing Grimm’s Fairytale Snow White
Authors use literary devices as tools throughout their novels, each in a variety of situations, serving various purposes. One of C.S Lewis ' notable attributes was his consistent use of religion throughout his work. Which thus begs the question: What is the literary function of religious allegory in the novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S Lewis?
The film “Snow White and the Huntsman” depicts the journey between the two main characters Snow White and Ravenna the evil Queen. Snow White, who is played by Kristen Stewart for majority of the film, has been locked in her slain father's castle for years. The character is imprisoned by her father’s evil second wife played by Charlize Theron, whose now queen. The Queen also lives in fear of losing of her young appearance and uses the blood of virgins to restore it. She tests the success of this with the well-known mirror on the wall. When the magic mirror reveals that Snow White is the source of her immortality, the queen seeks to kill Snow White. In “Snow White and the Huntsman” many patterns are used like the camera shots of the film, lighting and color. The pattern of camera shots is seen throughout the movie using close ups shots and wide range shots. For example, when Snow White fled from the castle and is chased by the Queen’s horsemen into the Dark Forest, there are close up shots of medieval like armor enforcing the idea that the film is not in modern day and the action of the film will be done with weapons like swords and axes. Close up shots of Snow White and Ravenna dictates who is in power and who is not. The shots show Snow White wearing peasant’s clothing, whereas the Queen wears jewelry, expensive clothes and a crown. Wide range shots are shown in film with vast plains, castles and battles’ giving a sense of realism to the setting. Lighting is another pattern
Trina Schart Hyman reiterates this point in her analysis of story, particularly in examining the Queen, where the ?only power was her beauty. She didn?t think about [Snow White] as a person. She hated only what Snow White symbolized, which was youth and the power and beauty of youth? (Haase, 2003).
were on the side of the Central Powers. The alliances were brought into action when
Once again Snow White is saved not by her actions or words, but by her looks alone.
Snow White is a fairy-tale known by many generations; it is a beloved Disney movie, and a princess favoured by many kids. But did you know the fairy-tale was made to teach young children, especially little girls, their duties in life? It also values beauty over knowledge, portrays women to be naive and incompetent, and assumes that women cannot understand anything other than common household chores. Throughout this criticism, I will be using the feminist lens to analyze the fairy-tale, Snow White, through the perspective of a feminist.
In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character and protagonist is 16 year old Katniss Everdeen, a strong and selfless young woman who is far more mature than her age suggests. As the main provider for her family after her father died, Katniss had to become responsible and resourceful at a young age, which forced her to participate in rebellious behavior in order to keep her family alive. She is an unselfish and protective character, putting herself in danger in order to keep the ones she loves safe, especially for her little sister Primrose. Even after the pain and hardships she has had to go through not only in the games, but in her life, Katniss maintains her
When I turn the T.V on every morning, there always a news segment of people getting murder, abused, or have gone missing. Tragic events like these aspired me to help find solutions and techniques on reducing these incidents. Growing up in a rough neighborhood, I have experience these events which is why seeking a degree from an established school like The University of Baltimore (UB) would be the greatest achievement I have ever accomplish. Obtaining a master’s degree is something I would not imagine applying coming from an unprivileged area where it is rare to even think education could be an option. UB will be the institution that will help me gather the necessities and resources I need to have a successful path to a career I desire and deep
The reader of any novel is reliant upon the narrator’s perspective: the reader only has insight into the thoughts and opinions of the character who is describing the story. Consequently, the reader is dependent on what information the narrator chooses to share. It is difficult to rely entirely on the perspective of the narrator then, because the reader is forced to determine what is authentic and plausible. In novel the narrator is Snowman, a character who shares the story by alternating between the present and the past. In Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, Snowman is an unreliable narrator because he is dependent on the approval of others, insecure, and inexperienced.
Fairy tales such as Snow White, have been rewritten and interpreted in many different stories throughout a vast amount of years. Two stories that retold the tale of Snow White were “Little Snow White”, Written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and Snow White and The Huntsman, directed by Rupert Sandors. The brothers Grimm wrote the “Little Snow White” in 1812 and explained the story of Snow White as a young child who was targeted to be killed by a jealous queen and hide away in a house of 7 dwarfs. In their home, Snow White was constantly tricked by the evil queen and killed then brought back to life by the 7 dwarfs. The story of Snow White and the Huntsman was directed in a much darker direction than the brother’s Grimm version where survival was sought for both the huntsman and Snow White. Similarities arose in both versions where Snow White had to survive a terrible ordeal that she is being placed in from being vulnerable to tricks from the queen in the brothers grimm version to surviving from her stepmother but also from the environment she encounters conflict in the Snow White and the Huntsman movie. The themes of both versions contrast each other since Snow White beauty is able to save her from different situations in ‘Little Snow White”, however, the queens obsession on being young and beautiful ultimately led to her downfall in Snow White and the Huntsman.
Over the years, Snow White’s story has been told in numerous different versions then its original version in 1812 by the Grimm Brothers. The main basis of the story has remained the same. Only a few minor tweaks to the story have changed. The three versions of the story that are going to be analyzed are the original story “Little Snow White” by the Brothers Grimm, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” by Disney, and “Mirror, Mirror” by Disney also. They each were created in very different times and the original story has changed over the years to appeal to the audience of that time. No matter how many versions there are Snow White is considered, one of the most cherished fairy tales of all time. They each use different methods to get their
This research undertaking focuses on development of a personal marketing plan for a potential job applicant in a modern organization. Its core indulgence revolves around the overall desire to guarantee positive outcomes in instances where individual intend to secure a job placement in a corporate entity. The introductory segment looks at the situation analysis and the factors that are integral to securing employment. The analysis evaluates on how applicants can focus on their strengths in a bid to project a positive image of their character and personality. People can only provide adequate and accurate information if they understand what the employer is looking for. This aspect of a personal marketing plan is covered in the situation analysis segment. The strategic direction section is also important because it merges factors that the applicant encounters in the job market. The applicant must understand their personal attributes and reflect on how such attributes contribute to their success in the job market. This marketing plan also covers the market strategy in regard to identification of areas that compliment personal strengths. The marketing plan also looks at the need to conduct a SWOT analysis in a bid to understand strong areas and identify those that require effort and improvement. Generally, this marketing plan