The Poet is Robert Frost. I believe that this poem in a political affiliation poem due to the fact that it has references to many things in today's world. Frost wrote the poem when he was 48years old. He suffered a lot of grief and family tragedies. It does appear in its original language. I don't believe that it is a part of another poem, but he does have a lot of written poems similar to these topics.It feel as tho this poem is more of a political concept then a literary movement. Robert felt that the world was going to end.
Though The poem would have to be a confessional, because He is listing personal things from depression and family tragedies in this poem so he doesn't want to go through this alone anymore. Since the poem he makes several references throughout the poem like "So dawn goes to day" and "only so an hour"
The poem would be nothing gold can stay as the title, I feel as tho it doesnt give a clear picture on its own because 'gold' could reference life, death, wealth, happiness, nature, etc. So basically anything. You have to go further into the poem to figure that one out. Based on my last few sentences 'gold' could be almost anything leaving it to have many possibilities. In my opinion it has a very nice balance from everything else that is going on. There is not, in this poem I don't see many opposite things being said or chosen in this poem. If you mean by historical as they mention eden's garden then yes, but there isn't any 'Main" historical events.
Robert Frost takes our imagination to a journey through wintertime with 
his two poems "Desert Places" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". These two poems reflect the beautiful scenery that is present in the snow covered woods and awakens us to new feelings. Even though these poems both have winter settings they contain very different tones. One has a feeling of depressing loneliness and the other a feeling of welcome solitude. They show how the same setting can have totally different impacts on a person depending on 
their mindset at the time. These poems are both made up of simple stanzas and diction but they are not straightforward poems.
It is a short 8 line lyrical poem, with many metaphors. The meanings are open to comprehend by the reader, as there are many different meanings. One meaning is that the poem could represent the end of the world. The poem says nothing gold can stay, which could mean that all of our benefits at technologies won't last forever.
It tells how all the things eventually were not gold anymore. Even though, the title of this poem is Nothing Gold Can Stay, it basically explains the whole poem about how nothing will remain perfect. It is pretty straight forward and does not imply mulitiple possibilities.
The title of the poem is Nothing Gold Can Stay. It is not a very obvious title name, it take awhile to finally figure out what it all means. Nothing Gold Can Stay is not about gold staying gold it's about us growing older.
You will picture the natural world, and its flora (plants). As the poem has biblical references to the Garden of Eden, that means that nothing pure can stay. The language of Nothing Gold Can Stay, as in the figurative language, I presume? Well, Nothing Gold Can Stay uses Personification, as the poem states that "Nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to HOLD.
The title of the poem is "Nothing Gold Can Stay''. After looking at the poem the title is not obvious in any way. As for possibilities, the title can give off many different vibes or mean different things. Now, this is a poem to find out what the title means you need to read the actual poem not just the title. Having to dig for what it means.
were educated enough to read and write. If it were translated by a high ranking
Conclusively, Frost uses multiple literary devices to create a more easily understood piece. Frost clearly depicts a real life situation in this poem by creating a problem involving decision making. Frost begins the poem by showing two roads, both covered in leaves. Both paths appear to be worn at about the same condition, but Frost cannot decide whether or not one road is better than another. He expresses his decision making process by elaborating on how he still would like to keep the first path for another day. However, he changes ideas and states how his decision that he took with the less traveled path was life-changing. The extended metaphor allows the reader to understand the figurative meaning of the roads, and apply them to real-life
The style of the poem ''Nothing Gold Can Stay" is a unique type of poem.
This poem is what i believe to be a long poem, but the section of it that we are looking to is much shorter, with only eight lines. I do believe that in some ways this is a narrative poem in that it tells a story and warns about the idea of the end of the world. I do believe that in some ways this could also be confessional for it expresses his past and current thoughts about what had been going on in society.
The first stanza was opened using a strong statement. The phrase “what joy” proposes the intensity of gladness. The statement “For there is someone to share/ In all his suffering and pain” is the one referred to such gladness.
Robert Frost's poem Design seemingly disputes the question whether there is a design to life; yet, he is not able to establish an answer. Despite the comlexity of his poem his implied message is rather simple. Frost's statement clarified human's eagerness to finding a meaning to life and an essential background and reason to events, regardless of how small and insignificant they might be. His work states an advice not to interpret too much into insignificant conincidences or apportion them too much relevance.
Your analysis of Frost’s poem was very impressive. I wanted to keep reading and learn more about the poem. I felt like I did not need to even read the poem because you explained it perfectly. I like how you analyzed the poem as a whole in your first paragraph and then analyzed each stanza by itself. The fact that you quoted lines directly from the poem in each paragraph makes it a very strong essay. This poem has so much meaning because it relates to how each person makes a decision. It makes it feel like it is directed at the reader. I wish you would have discussed the figures of speech. meter, or rhyme scheme that Frost uses in the poem. If there is any imagery, symbolism, or repetition, I would mention it in your essay to give the
“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words,” Robert Frost once said. As is made fairly obvious by this quote, Frost was an adroit thinker. It seems like he spent much of his life thinking about the little things. He often pondered the meaning and symbolism of things he found in nature. Many readers find Robert Frost’s poems to be straightforward, yet his work contains deeper layers of complexity beneath the surface. These deeper layers of complexity can be clearly seen in his poems “ The Road Not Taken”, “Fire and Ice”, and “Birches”.
Robert Frost is perhaps one of America's best poets of his generation. His vivid images of nature capture the minds of readers. His poems appear to be simple, but if you look into them there is a lot of insight. Robert Frost spoke at John F. Kennedy's inauguration. He is the only poet to have had the opportunity to speak at a presidential inauguration. Through his poetry people learn that Robert Frost is a complicated and intellectual man who has a place in many American hearts. (Richards P.10)