
Literature : A Literary Movement

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A literary movement is a period of time in which literature shared religious, intellectual, and artistic influences. Throughout history, authors and poets of literature have had a tremendous impact to communities in the way that the people of a certain society expressed and lived their lives. Over 30 literary movements/periods dating from as far back as the year 1066 to present time have been created. Literature is constantly evolving and concerns from different groups of people and historical periods emerge. In many cases, literary periods merge into one another, however the author’s and poet’s similar thoughts and ideas are what truly defines a literary movement. The Aestheticism Movement dated from 1835-1910 was “an intellectual and art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than social-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts”(Wikipedia). The reasoning behind this movement was that aesthetes such as Oscar Wilde, an Irish poet and playwright, and Walter Pater, an Oxford professor, believed that “Art for Art’s sake”(Wikipedia). Furthermore, they believed that art shouldn’t have to have a deeper meaning, and art should be more focused on being beautiful. Writers and artists from this movement often stated that arts should be used as a sensuous pleasure instead of conveying sentimental or moral messages. It went as far as that the beliefs were that art should not be confined to sculptures, paintings, and architectural designs, but

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