
Literature Review On Bullying And School Based Shootings

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Literature Review
This section will be review the testing the credibility of several studies as they relate to bullying and school based shootings. One study will depict how bullying persists in groups and another will demonstrate the frequency of bullying, whether it occurs more in the home or in a school related setting. It is through evidence we will examine the presence of bullying and the impact it has on the student body.
Review of Research
The National Center for Education and Statics (NCVS) is a survey that was administered to individuals ages 12 or older who lived within one household or institute. The survey is conducted annually by the United States Census Bureau. It focuses primarily on non-fatal crimes reported or unreported to the local authorities. From the research, families are provided quality information needed each year to protect themselves from those deemed harmful in their neighborhood. Data collected from this survey gives the government a glimpse of the crime rate in specific populations. In 2005, DeVoe and Kaffenberger (2005) conducted a correlational study to verify a direct correlation between bullying in school age children (12-18) and aggressive behaviors toward other students. They used both the 2001 School Crime Supplement (SCS) and well as the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). This study examined 24,315,000 male and female children. The SCS suggested that bullying could possibly be used as a way to establish

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