Main Question Post: Discussion 10
Evidence-based practice (EBP) offers a framework utilization of systematic high-quality research, an analysis which consistently enhances measurable client outcome and clinical decision-making grounded in rationality; EBP depends on data collected through experimental research and accounts for individual client characteristics and clinician expertise. The potential benefits of EBP comprise of increased service delivery and quality of care, heightened accountability, and a bridging of the research-practice gap (Sackett, Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg, & Haynes, 2000). It is imperative that research scholars are cognizant of research outcome dependability and validity prior to implementing results
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Title and Summary of Selected Research Study
The article chosen for this assignment is “Oncology Pain and Complementary Therapy” by Running and Turnbeaugh (2011). The researchers conducted a literature review of complementary remedies, evidence utilized in treating cancer patient pain and control symptoms (Running & Turnbeaugh, 2011). The utmost mass of patients that have progressed cancer suffers great pain and almost half of these patients have moderate to severe pain (Running & Turnbeaugh, 2011).
Data and Results of Tests or Analysis
The researchers Running and Turnbeaugh (2011), appraised arrays of research articles that utilized therapeutic touch, massage therapy, and acupuncture to alleviate bone pain, visceral pain, and neuropathic pain in cancer patients. The researcher’s inclusive inference of the literature appraisal championed the utilization of complementary remedies in bestowing symptom aid and lessening pain in cancer patients (Running & Turnbeaugh, 2011). According to Running and Turnbeaugh (2011), these therapies needs to be used as appendage therapies and must not substitute pharmacological
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The researchers inferred that the evidence discovered optimistic advantages of massage physiotherapy to bestow alleviation of bone pain in cancer patients; however, additional research analysis is essential to ascertain long-lasting impacts (Running & Turnbeaugh, 2011). A nonrandomized single-group pre and posttest design of a randomized two-period crossover of approximately 230 contributors and a substantial result over a three-year interval were appraised in the therapy of visceral pain (Running & Turnbeaugh, 2011). The researchers determined that the evidence champions the utilization of massage remedy in the therapy of visceral pain of cancer patient whilst the evidence is dated (Running & Turnbeaugh,
These complementary therapies would benefit the individual with the disorder they have. Although, these complementary therapies may not be able to cure the individuals cancer but it would be able to support the individual with the treatments they may have. The role of the complementary therapy reflexology would be to massage the individuals feet which would make them feel at ease and although they might be unaware of the different areas of their body being affected, through the reflexology they will be able to identify any areas that might have been affected due to the disorder. For example, if an individual describes that they might feel a sharp feeling this would suggest that the individual’s body might be out of balance.
One area that has had many studies conducted regarding the effects reflexology is Cancer treatment. The role of complementary therapy in this instance is to help manage a client’s symptoms that they may be experiencing from the aggressive cancer treatment. In 2000 Hodgson found using 12 patients who were in the palliative stage of cancer that there was 100% improvement in many areas of the lives of the participants within the group who were given reflexology, whereas the participants within the placebo group only reported an improvement of 67.6% within the same categories. The categories included their general mood, pain, mobility, tiredness, constipation, concentration and nausea.
Many people will experience many physical factors such as pain and mobility problems, some individuals may feel that it’s best to take orthodox medicines which are the best pain relief or option for them, this includes treatments such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. However, some people might have side effects from medicines, therefore they choose to have alternatives, such as, massage and acupuncture. This means that pain can be taken away without any side
Complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM, can be characterized as a gathering of restorative, human services, and healing systems other than those incorporated into health care in the United States. CAM incorporates the perspectives, speculations, modalities, items, and practices connected with these systems and their utilization to treat disease and advance health and prosperity (McKenzie, 2012). Even though heterogeneous, the significant CAM frameworks have numerous normal attributes, including an attention on individualizing medications, treating the entire individual, advancing self-consideration and self-recuperating, and perceiving the otherworldly way of every person. What's more, numerous CAM frameworks have attributes generally found in standard human services, for example, an emphasis on great sustenance and preventive practices. Dissimilar to standard medication, CAM frequently needs or has just restricted trial and clinical concentrate; then again, experimental examination of CAM is starting to address this learning crevice. In this manner, limits in the
Over many years, society has explored options into different varieties and forms of medicine to help people with pain along with other treatment options not prescribed by mainstream medicine. Some options of alternative medicine consist of acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbal medicine, meditation, massage, aromatherapy, hypnosis, and other medicines not prescribed by mainstream medical care. People look towards these options after most other options are explored and tried out over years to help cope with personal trauma or pain/injury. We will be looking at all the various examples listed above in more significantly detail and give more detailed explanation of what each individual technique can do for you. These methods can be used in a variety of approaches to promote self-healing and growth after a significant traumatic event in one’s life. Acupuncture, Massage therapy, and meditation are all significant forms of alternative medicine which will be the primary focus in this paper. Alternative medicine can help people with significant mental, physical and emotional issues. The benefits of alternative medicine are going to be explored and introduced as a possible solution besides mainstream medicine.
Pain is one of the most common and feared complications of cancer. It is exacerbated by stress, anxiety, fatigue, and malaise which accompany advanced cancer. Pain is generally absent in the early stages of cancer, but it is a significant factor as the illness progresses to advanced stages. Cancer-associated pain can arise from a variety of direct and indirect mechanisms including direct pressure, obstruction, and invasion of a sensitive structure, stretching of visceral surfaces, tissue destruction, infection, and inflammation (McCance 2010). Pain is generally accepted as whatever the patient says it is, wherever the patient says it is. Treatment of pain and its associated symptoms is a primary responsibility of the healthcare team. Treatment modalities for pain include the use of opioid analgesics, patient-controlled analgesia, psychological interventions, and preventing recurrence of pain. Reinforcing the reporting of pain by the patient is important, as is a respect for the social and cultural differences with respect to pain perception.
Pain, which is defined in its widest sense as an emotion which is the opposite of pleasure (White, 2004, p.455), is one of the major symptoms of cancer, affecting a majority of sufferers at some point during their condition (De Conno & Caraceni, 1996, p.8). The World Health Organization (WHO, 2009, online) suggests that relief from pain may be achieved in more than 90 percent of patients;
The purpose of this essay will be to discuss evidence based practise and its use in nursing, I will be discussing, the types of research and various forms of data, including the principles of evidence based practise and research. Evidence Based practice is finding the most effective, research proven, evidence to make decisions regarding the service users individual needs and the best decisions for them. As David Sackett quotes, "evidence based practise is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values." (Sackett D, et al 1996, p.71) Evidence based practice is good practice, assist practitioners, avoiding information overload and applying the most useful information.
Complementary therapies are good for a person’s health and wellbeing. It is used as a form of medicine and treatment to some illnesses. Complementary therapies can be used to help the individual manage pain and help relieve pain. According to NHS Direct “These medicines and treatments range from acupuncture and homeopathy to aromatherapy, meditation and colonic irrigation.”
The relationship discovered in the articles written by Denneson, et., al (2011) and Fletcher, et., al (2016) discuss how the Department of Veterans Affair is studying the significance of using complementary alternative medicine to effectively control chronic noncancerous pain versus the continuous use of opioids. Massage therapy was the most preferred and effective method for management of pain. In the article written by Fletcher, et., al (2016), about 60 percent of the outpatient was taking opioids for management of chronic pain.
Marion Good, PhD, RN, has focused her study, “A Middle-Range Theory of Acute pain Management: Use in Research,” on complementary medicine for pain and stress, acute pain, and stress immunity. The purpose of this theory is to put into practice guidelines for pain management. Good, 1998, noted the need for a balance between medication usage and side effects of pain medications. The theory also promoted patient education related to pain management following surgery and encouraged plan development for acceptable levels of pain management. This theory was developed through deductive reasoning. Chinn & Kramer, 2008, defined deductive reasoning as going from a general concept to a more specific concept.
Many patients with OA opt complementary treatments (e.g., massage, relaxation techniques) in an effort to manage OA- related symptoms. This could be because of limited symptom relief from conventional therapies, as well as a belief that complementary treatments are free from adverse effects. However, the efficacy and safety of these interventions are not defined well. (Shengelia, Parker, Ballin, & Reid, 2014). Use of CAM modalities for chronic musculoskeletal disorders, such as OA, is primarily to alleviate associated discomfort and disability, and approximately 50%of patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders reported using CAM modalities.(Chyu et al., 2011)
Today, around 70 million Americans are affected by chronic pain, whether it be chronic headaches, back pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or musculoskeletal pain, in general. (treatment of chronic medical conditions). For many, conventional rehabilitation therapy has proven to be an effective form of treatment, but for some, not so much. In these types of cases, doctors refer their patients to alternative forms of medicine, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, meditation, or hypnosis (principles and practice of pain medicine). One of the more popular types of alternative medicine among researchers and medical professionals is acupuncture.
A study was conducted on 1,290 patients that were undergoing cancer treatments. The same symptoms were reported in the previous study by the patients. Pain and fatigue were the number one complaints. Fifty percent of these patients underwent massage therapy during the course of their cancer treatments. They reported back to the hospital as having an immediate drop in their symptoms without having to use pharmalogical interventions. Just doing the massage therapy alone increased their overall tolerance of the chemo therapy and minimized their need to use the medications prescribed to them (Cassileth, Keefe,
In addition, Huo Tuo developed traditional Chinese acupuncture that involves inserting very fine needles on specific parts of the body to relieve physical and emotional distress by triggering the body’s natural healing response (Ye et al., 2015). Finally, Hua Tuo developed Doa Yin Qigong exercises that focused on the holistic nature of the human body and the link to mind, body and the environment in achieving wellness. The exercises involve carefully crafted physical movement, regulated breathing and mental awareness with the aim of promoting the free flow of energy in the body (Ye et al., 2015). The use of acupuncture in medicine has also been used particularly in addressing pain in a number of conditions such as a variety of cancers. According to Wang and Litscher (2015) acupuncture is used to address symptoms particularly in regards to cancer as nausea, fatigue and vomiting. It is always important to respect patient’s choices of alternative care but as advocates our responsibility is to educate the patient that a treatment may not be covered by their medical insurance and can be very expensive for the patient. We want to prevent any additional economic distress added to their physical problems. “Holistic health care is an important foundational concept in nursing and medicine” (Conroy & Taggart, 2016). Chinese patients classify medication and food as “Yin/cold” or “Yang/hot”. Yin is the female, negative