1. a) In tube emission, when we run a current through elements, in atomic level, the electrons of elements get excited. They start to leave the ground level and jump to a higher energy level. When they are falling down to a lower energy level they release energy as a photon. We observe this process as a light emission.
b) In part A, the electrons were excited by passing a current through elements, however; the cause that excited electrons in part B was the heat. In other words, we excited electrons by heating the elements in second part of this experiment.
2. a) Unknown A, B, C and D were assignment.
b) A: Barium Chloride (BaCl2), B: Calcium Chloride (CaCl2), C: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and D: Strontium Nitrate (Sr(NO3)2)
Laser that is an acronym
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Lasers can accomplish lithotripsy by having a photoacoustical/photomechanical effect (laser-induced shockwave lithotripsy) or a predominantly photothermal effect.
Laser beams have a number of other useful functions, for instance, the production of compact discs (CDs). Lasers etch information onto a surface, and because of the light beam's qualities, can record far more information in much less space than the old-fashioned ways of producing phonograph records.
Before the advent of fiber-optic communications, telephone calls were relayed on thick bundles of copper wire; with the appearance of this new technology, a glass wire no thicker than a human hair now carries thousands of conversations. Lasers are also used in scanners, such as the price-code checkers at supermarkets and various kinds of tags that prevent thefts of books from libraries or clothing items from stores. In an industrial setting, heating lasers can drill through solid metal, or in an operating room, lasers can remove gallstones or cataracts. Lasers are also used for guiding missiles, and to help building contractors ensure that walls and floors and ceilings are in proper
The atom of an element has electrons that are found around the nucleus in regions known as orbitals. When energy is absorbed by the electrons of an atom they begin to jump to higher energy levels. When this happens the electrons are in an excited state. However when the electrons begin to release the energy and drop in energy levels they emit electromagnetic radiation. If the radiation that is emitted falls between 400 to 700 nanometers then the electrons emit photons which we can see as visible light.
Optical Drive: uses lasers to read or write data to/from optical discs like CDs or
2. Do you think the electrons are emitted from the cathode with zero velocity, one velocity, or a range of velocities? Hint: The electrons inside the metal that are able to escape are a bit like a gas of molecules at finite temperature.
These were all chemical reactions that took place. The reason that this is known is because of table 7.1 on page 219 in the textbook.
this experiment had a similar scenario to part A except the metals were switched and replaced with
In the lab, Bunsen Burner operation, we were given 6 known substances (Calcium Chloride, Copper Chloride, Lithium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, and Strontium Chloride) and 4 unknown substances. The goal of this lab was to match 4 of the known substances to the 4 unknown substances. Scientists are able to do this because when the wooden splint is inserted into the hottest part of the flame the electrons entered an excited state and release energy in the form of visible light. The light emitted is unique for every metal ion because every ion has a distinct electron configuration. Scientists are then able to identify what substance was burned from the color of the flame.
The word laser is an acronym for, “Light Amplified by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation”, this means that all the lights in a laser have the same wavelength. Within a century of the laser being invented it occupied a major role in scientific research, medicine, industry, and even daily life. Lasers are used in the medicine field for procedures such as, laser eye surgery, heart, stomach, and intestinal surgeries. These procedures laser procedures are said to be harmless. Major factory industries use lasers to cut many things ranging from thin
2.8 MedCalc: MedCalc is a statistical software package designed for the biomedical sciences. It has an integrated spreadsheet for data input and can import files in several formats. 2.9 Test principle for Roche Cobas 6000: UV test Enzymatic reference method with hexokinase. Hexokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate by ATP.
When the photon’s wavelength is between 400 nm and 700 nm, the electromagnetic radiation is visible light. Since each element has its own unique electron configuration when an excited atom experiences changes in its electrons between energy levels, each element has its own distinct line spectrum. The colors of the lines indicate the color of the visible light when the energy difference between two levels is emitted as a photon of electromagnetic radiation. When an atom is excited, it produces the specific colored lines in its spectrum due to the electron jumping or falling between different energy levels.
"Star Wars," "Star Trek," "Battlestar Galactica" are some of fiction movies that implement laser technology in it. LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Generally, it is a device that control the way for energized atom released their photon. As we go deep into the words of ‘LASER’, it actually generates an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light (or other electromagnetic radiation) by stimulated emission of photons from excited atoms or molecules. Laser light is totally different from the other light that exist in this Earth. There are few properties that make them up as a laser. First and foremost, it is monochromatic, which means the light released contain one specific wavelength of light due
The Department of Defense invested over two billion dollars in laser weaponry in the early 1980s. Their reasoning behind the investment was laser weaponry is a high speed destructive beam that is less vulnerable to electric countermeasures and, in theory, is cheaper than firing tactical missiles. Depending on the type of laser, the types of missions will vary, such as, antipersonal lasers should theoretically “cook” soldiers with a microwave beam and cause flash blindness. Laser weaponry will attack electro-optical sensors by overloading its associated electronics to damage components successfully. Beam weapons will be built into ships, fighter planes or cargo planes if proven successful in laboratory testings. Hecht concludes discussion of
Though the guns used in commercially played laser tags have lasers they are not used in actual mechanism of the game, they actually use infrared to register hits. Infrared has its own cool properties such as it gets scattered in very short
2. Each compound use consists of a metal component and a nonmetal component. In other words, in lithium chloride, the lithium component was the metal and chloride component was the nonmetal. Which of the two components do you think determined the color emitted by the popsicle stick? How does your data support your answer?
The threshold frequency varies with each metal. When the sodium plate was exposed to high frequency light, electrons were emitted and were attracted to the positive terminal, causing a flow of current. However, when a low frequency light was used no electrons were emitted and therefore there was no current. Observations of the Photoelectric Effect 1. Current flows as soon as the negative terminal is illuminated.
Performance management relates to an organization’s ability to implement a system to evaluate and advance employee performance. Achieving peak performance requires consistency, clear objectives, and constructive employee evaluation. According to Mithas, Ramasubbu, & Sambamurthy (2011), an organization must design the performance management system based on extensive research about the organization’s mission, and then properly communicate the purpose of the system to employees, stakeholders, and decision makers. After the performing the research, the information should be used to establish the appropriate performance management specialized for the organization. In addition, an effective performance management system should align