
Lithotripsy Lab Report

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1. a) In tube emission, when we run a current through elements, in atomic level, the electrons of elements get excited. They start to leave the ground level and jump to a higher energy level. When they are falling down to a lower energy level they release energy as a photon. We observe this process as a light emission.
b) In part A, the electrons were excited by passing a current through elements, however; the cause that excited electrons in part B was the heat. In other words, we excited electrons by heating the elements in second part of this experiment.
2. a) Unknown A, B, C and D were assignment.
b) A: Barium Chloride (BaCl2), B: Calcium Chloride (CaCl2), C: Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and D: Strontium Nitrate (Sr(NO3)2)

Laser that is an acronym …show more content…

Lasers can accomplish lithotripsy by having a photoacoustical/photomechanical effect (laser-induced shockwave lithotripsy) or a predominantly photothermal effect.
Laser beams have a number of other useful functions, for instance, the production of compact discs (CDs). Lasers etch information onto a surface, and because of the light beam's qualities, can record far more information in much less space than the old-fashioned ways of producing phonograph records.
Before the advent of fiber-optic communications, telephone calls were relayed on thick bundles of copper wire; with the appearance of this new technology, a glass wire no thicker than a human hair now carries thousands of conversations. Lasers are also used in scanners, such as the price-code checkers at supermarkets and various kinds of tags that prevent thefts of books from libraries or clothing items from stores. In an industrial setting, heating lasers can drill through solid metal, or in an operating room, lasers can remove gallstones or cataracts. Lasers are also used for guiding missiles, and to help building contractors ensure that walls and floors and ceilings are in proper

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