
Little Italy Research Paper

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Little Italy is unique because it is no longer the ethnic enclave it was 115 years ago. When comparing Little Italy to other ethnic neighborhoods, we can immediately see differences. In Chinatown, for example, there are many Chinese restaurants, businesses, and structures scattered throughout the neighborhood. In addition, many Chinese people can be found visiting, working, and even living in the enclave. When you see these Chinese individuals, they are often speaking the Chinese language. Little Italy, however, is quite different from Chinatown. Unlike Chinatown, Little Italy has lost its ethnic flavor. While Little Italy was once a neighborhood thriving with a heavy Italian immigration base, overtime it has lost its identity.
The rapid growth of industry in Chicago created many opportunities for unskilled labor. These industries …show more content…

There are Indians, Mexicans, Asians and many others diverse businesses established in Little Italy. Chicago is known for its diversity. In Chicago all sorts of food, clothing, and music reflect numerous cultures. There are numerous ethnic enclaves that have put Chicago on the map for its diversity. However, not every ethnic enclave is what it seems. Compared to most ethnic enclaves in Chicago, Little Italy is no longer what it was 115 years ago. You will not find a Chinatown or a Paseo Boricua atmosphere - you will not see Italians – you will not hear the language – and you will not have much access to authentic Italian foods. Little Italy is Italian in name only as it no longer fits the definition of an ethnic enclave. Italians, like other immigrants living in enclaves, feel the need to celebrate their culture and history. Although they no longer live in the area, many return in August to celebrate their roots. Even though Little Italy is a mix of ethnic diversity, Italian-Americans still share the sense of cultural pride shared by other ethnic

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