1. Reference: Vawter, V. (2013). Paperboy. New York: Delacorte Press.
Genre: Juvenile Fiction
Synopsis: Little Man, a hesitant yet persistent young boy, narrates his life as a stutter. Although his disability impedes his speech, it does not hinder his athletic ability. During his journey through July 1959, Little Man takes over his best friend’s paper route. Throwing the papers was not an issue for Little Man, however speaking to his customers was an obstacle he would have to overcome.
Teaching Suggestion:
Math: During the story, Little Man (Victor) takes over Rat’s paper route during July so that Rat could go visit his grandparents. Pretend that you are going to have a paper route of your own. Individually, decide and map out your paper
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However, they did not plan for how much money they would need. Imagine that you and two of your friends are going to go on a trip. In a group of three, use a map of South Carolina to pick a destination for your trip. After choosing your destination, plan three activities you will do during your trip. To accurately plan this trip, do research about the cost of travel and the activities that you will do on your trip. Create a budget for your trip; make sure to include enough money for the way to and from your destination. When planning your trip consider the following questions:
• How far is my destination from where I currently live? How does this affect the cost of my trip?
• How am I going to get to and from my destination? What type of transport? How much does it cost?
• What are our activities planned? How much will they cost?
• Where will we eat? How much do we plan to spend on food?
• Do we need emergency money?
• What is the total cost of the trip? Will we split the cost? If so, how?
3. Reference: Turnage, S. (2012). Three Times Lucky. New York: Dial Books for Young
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Pretend that you live in a city on the coast—even in the same town as Moses if you would like—and there is a threat of a hurricane headed to your city. Would you know what to do, so that you wouldn’t wash away like Moses? With a partner, create a hurricane evacuation plan. Do research about what evacuation plans include and look like normally. When researching and creating your evacuation plan consider these questions:
• What materials/items would I need to survive?
• What protocol might I have to follow?
• Where would I have to evacuate to?
• Who would I contact in an emergency?
4. Reference: Roth, V. (2011). Divergent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books.
Genre: Fiction
Synopsis: Beatrice, a humble yet determined sixteen year old, lives in a society in which all residents reside within one of five factions. As Beatrice determines which factions she will reside in—to stay in Abnegation or leave—she uncovers truths about herself that are hard to understand. After choosing her faction, Beatrice begins her journey to find out who she really is.
“The city was hidden by that awful cloud . . . boiling up, mushrooming, terrible and incredibly tall," said Colonel Paul Tibbets, pilot of the modified B-29 bomber that dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over Hiroshima. The bombings resulted in the death of thousands, including not only Japanese citizens, forces, and military but also American captive soldiers. In the midst of World War II the United States forced Japan to surrender by dropping bombs in the major cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They released the second atomic bomb shortly after, in Nagasaki, Japan.
The book is a secondary source that was published by the Oxford University Press in 1982 and was written by John
The book divergent was about a girl name Beatrice Prior lives in a future version of Chicago where there are five distinct factions which is each factions thinks one virtue is best. Dauntless is bravery, Erudite is love and knowledge, Abnegation is pro-self-sacrifice, Amity is hearts and friendships, and lastly Candor is into telling it like it is. However at the age of 16 you'll be deciding what faction that'll determine your life’s course this is required every people that'll reach 16 will have to do this.
Hurricanes are one of the many natural disasters that can devastate entire cities and even states with their destruction. With that in mind it is extremely important to know how to prepare for a hurricane so people can stay safe. People need to know how and when to evacuate, prep their house, and what supplies they will need.
Divergent, by Veronica Roth, takes place in a futuristic metropolis that resembles Chicago. Sixteen year-old Beatrice — aka Tris — learns of her new Divergent identity and becomes one of the most wanted citizens in her burgh. The story calls up concepts of standing up for what is right and sacrifice. Tris’ family gives up quantities when she is in need. Readers will come to understand selflessness and taking risks as characters develop and show these traits and actions.
Imagine you had to choose one characteristic for the rest of your life. The book Divergent by Veronica Roth is full of action-packed, adventurous, breath taking moments. Divergent is about a sixteen-year-old girl named Beatrice who lives in a diverse society and must hide who she really is since she has every characteristic you can think of. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read an action-packed book.
he main character, Beatrice Prior, lived with her family in the abnegation faction of the society. But once she turned sixteen she had to decide if she wanted to stay with her family or change to dauntless and risk never meeting her family again. This decision should sound tough and hard, but as Beatrice never felt like she fit in with her faction it’s almost inevitable. After going through test and hard training processes that forces her to face her fears she eventually decides to change her name into something shorter, that she feels suits her better. She changes it to Tris because she feel like it will allow her to start over and become someone new entirely.
The “Little Boy” directly killed 80,000 civilians in Hiroshima, Japan in August 6, 1945. You must be shocked, surprised and terrified to know that the “Little Boy” killed so many civilians in Hiroshima, Japan. The weight of the “Little Boy” was 4400kilogram. Amazing, the little boy was very big and heavy. This was neither a fairy tale nor an illusion. This was a true story and the deaths were real and were horrifying. They were children, boys, girls, men, women and more than half perished instantly. This was the most horrific and brutal killings in human history and the “Little Boy” did not spare anyone and he killed everyone indiscriminately. The explosion of the Little Boy wiped out 90 percent of the city and tens of thousands more would
Planning in advance and thoroughly for your vacation is the best way to enjoy your vacation when the time to go finally arrives. As long as you have planned correctly by reserving your room, purchasing your supplies, and packing properly, you will have a fabulous and worry free vacation. You and the whole family will be able to enjoy your time away, and you will make many memories to enjoy because you took all the stress and worry out of your vacation by properly planning the trip. Later on, you will be able to reminisce about all the great times you had with your
When was the last time you or your family were affected by the path of a hurricane? How was your experience? Some hurricanes can leave devastation, but it can be more dangerous if you don’t prepare and expose your family to the hazards during the landfall and aftermath. To be fully prepared in the event of a and have ways of staying informed and keep family entertained to avoid anxiety hurricane you must have an emergency evacuation plan. Gather essential supplies, protect one’s home, and have ways of staying informed and keep the family entertained to avoid anxiety or panic attacks.
We will likely be renting a large (yet affordable) AirBnB apartment for the nights of Friday (22nd) and Saturday (23rd) to accommodate all attendees, so if you were planning on coming a day early or leaving a day late, know you'll
In 1995 the manuscript of
This is the most common one. I won't tell you : "you can travel with no money", as I don't. There are options you can decide on so that don't need that much money. Let's first agree that It's about the experience and people! 5* hotel you could've stayed in or did shouldn't decide the quality of your trip. Here's what you could do:
Divergent by Veronica Roth is a book about choosing who you are. It deals with many different themes and messages throughout it that author is trying to convey the readers. The novel tells the story from the perspective of a sixteen-year-old girl protagonist Beatrice Prior (Tris). When the city residents turn sixteen, an elaborate ritual takes place where each resident must choose or select one of the five different factions to which they will devote the rest of their lives and which will define their