
Little Pig Monologue

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Little pigs
The huge black hound, with a mangled face and a harrowing grin, gazes across the moonlit moors prowling for a next meal. His coat,dark and patchy barely protecting him from the freezing wind that swirled around him. He took laboured breaths from his ghastly chest. It sniffs the air, through its long pointed snout, for a new prey, a plump little pig.
The wolf casts a haunting howl across the nighttime countryside, not as a call to its brothers but, as a warning to stay away. Its leaps forward sprinting at full pace to get to the meals as soon as possible, thundering down a hill with heavy footsteps that cause the ground to shake. Even the insects don’t dare make a sound when the wolf careers past. Into a field that is empty but …show more content…

The beast’s grin grows and with a smooth, menacing voice replies
“Hello, little pig.”
“What do you want?” The pig yells, petrified.
“Little pig, little pig,” his yellowing teeth protruding from his wicked smile “won't you let me in?”
“Why?, you’ll just kill me!” the pigs yells back from the false safety of his home. “not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin!”
“Have it your way then.” the wolf grumbles, under his breath. With that the wolf expands his lungs, pulling in as much air as possible. A blissful quiet casts over the field… suddenly a huge gust of wind erupts from within the wolf. It grabs each and every stem of straw, tugging it from its resting place; the house was slowly but surely falling down. Within 60 seconds the house was just a small pile of grass on top of a shivering, cowering pig. The wolf steps forward slowly, panting and heaving. His grin wide and malicious.
A growl. A loud, high pitched squeal.
A bittersweet …show more content…

He looked around at all of the hills, all of them smooth and flowing into one another. Apart from one horrible eye sore, a brick house far away . Wait a brick house, the beast sniffed the air. A pig, the dog sniffed the air once more in disbelief. It definitely was a pig, another brother. They were triplets. The hound now in need of somewhere to stay for the night in the blistering cold of winter, wandered towards the house that was made of bricks and cement. The dog’s huge paws dragging across the shrubbery, now tired from the hunt as his adrenaline has passed. Knocking rocks and grass out of the way, his head hanging like a servant. The dog, looking up now saw the greatness that is the brick house. Towering over him with many floors and many rooms the house was a marvel of architecture, the finish almost perfect. Inside through a window the wolf saw an armchair, a fireplace and a table with some cake on

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