
Little Rock Central High School Research Paper

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The road to the historic desegregation of Little Rock Central High school began in the 1930’s when the NAACP tasked future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall with fighting segregation in schools. By 1950 he had helped to strike down segregation in universities in several states. In 1951, the NAACP aided parents of black children attending public schools in Topeka, Kansas in attempting to overturn the state’s segregation laws. After a three year court battle, the 1954 Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education Topeka culminated in the abolishment of school segregation laws in 21 states. (Seeds 1)
In 1957, three years after Brown v. Board, the school board of Little Rock, Arkansas decided to become the first school board in the Deep …show more content…

Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent the students from entering Central High. The students attempted to stay on track with their education via correspondence courses and help from students of the local college for nearly three weeks as the NAACP fought their case in the courts. President Eisenhower met with the governor and convinced him to rescind the National Guard. The nine students once again tried to enter the school on September 23rd with a police escort but were met with a mob of over 1,000 angry whites calling for their deaths. After making their way into a side door, the Little Rock Nine were separated and sent to their first classes. Half way through the day the mob overpowered the police and the nine black students were rushed out of the building in two large cars as TV cameras showed the American people the chaos unfolding in Little Rock. The next day, President Eisenhower federalized the Arkansas National Guard and ordered over 1000 men from the US Army’s 101st Airborne division to protect the students. On September 25, the students returned to Central High School with a full military escort including jeeps, helicopter circling the school, and paratroopers guarding the

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