
Minimum Wage Essay

Decent Essays

This essay intented to analyse the living wages and the implication in our society
The minimum wage is important because it raises wages and reduces poverty. Proponents assert that it is needed to protect workers from exploitative employment practices and that boosting the minimum wage will reduce poverty without reducing jobs. Some people argue the minimum wage is not enough, and have proposed more generous “living” wages. A living wage aims to provide a minimum standard of living, accounting for the cost of housing and basic needs for an individual. However, Opponents of the minimum wage claim that it is an unnecessary government intrusion into the relationship between employer and employee. A new study by The Public Policy Institute finds …show more content…

Some Cities officials are considering a bill requiring local businesses that receive government contracts to pay a “living” wage of at least $10.00 an hour, or $11.50 an hour if they don’t offer their employees health insurance. Moreover, the minimum wage in the U.S. is well below that of other advanced countries. The Economist estimates that the minimum wage should be about $12 an hour in the U.S based on our GDP. That makes a lot of sense, especially because $10.90 would put it just where it was in 1968. If we add a little extra to the minimum wage for the growth in productivity, $12 seems to be a conservative estimate of where the lower bound of workers’ wages should be. In addition to the 1.3 million people working at minimum wage, there are another 1.7 million working below minimum wage (tipped employees) and an additional 21 million employees who are working just above the minimum, but below $10 an hour. They would also be affected, because their pay is pegged to the minimum wage. So an increase in the minimum wage would affect a third of the labor force being paid an hourly

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