
Liz Holt Strictly Ballroom

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The characters in Strictly Ballroom are largely caricatures. This topic will be explored with reference to the characters Fran and Liz Holt in the film.
Liz Holt is portrayed as the “dumb blonde” as well as extremely shallow within the film and this is executed in a variety of ways. Being Scott’s dance partner she is used to being in the lime light and her use of colourful costumes contributes to this too. She wears yellow majority of the time and this is evident of her character as she is selfish, cowardice and attention- seeking. Her make-up is also well overdone further depicting this idea. Liz is also portrayed as the “mean girl” and drops Scott as her dance partner the second someone better comes along. Many of the camera angles used …show more content…

She wears many pastels and more dull colours giving us the impression that she is lacking confidence and is hiding behind her appearance, being her glasses and unattractive clothing. As she progresses through the film she begins to wear clothing and colours that make a greater statement, however, in this growth of confidence she does not wear the costumes to attract attention but rather because she is comfortable with the person that she has become. At first she hides behind her glasses which stereotypically portrays her as lacking an amount of incite towards given situations. Fran also has terrible posture, this too is linked to her lack of confidence. She does not take pride in her hair which shows us how little she cares about her appearance. She develops from being the stereotypical “ugly duckling “ to a “beautiful swan”. When we see Fran throughout the movie initially the camera angles that are used are high angles to show us how inferior and a lot less dominant she is and as she further develops the use of low angles make her come across as a lot more powerful than what she initially

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