
Lizzie Borden Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have you ever been acquitted for the murder of your parents? If you haven’t then that is great and you are a model citizen. Well if you have then you are just like the 32-year-old Lizzie Borden who was accused of killing her stepmother and father. Lizzie Borden was the innocent daughter of Anderew Jackson Borden and the stepdaughter of Abby Dunfree Borden. I believe Lizzie Borden is innocent because she loved her father, she had a decent relationship with her stepmother, and she had no motive to kill either of them. My opinion of Lizzie Borden’s innocence is completely reasonable in the fact that she wasn’t insane or deranged. Lizzie had a stable relationship with her stepmother and it wouldn’t cause her to murder Abby Bunfree.

One reason that supports Lizzie Borden’s innocence is the fact that she loved her father and wouldn’t want to harm him and she grieved the death of her father. Although Lizzie Borden sounds like a cold blooded killer she loved her father and would hate to loose him. In the article, Lizzie Borden Case Gets New Look With Discovery of Her Lawyer’s Journals it states, “Lizzie Borden cared for her father very deeply, there was a tremendous outpouring of grief in the letter, and that’s a new side of the story.” Lizzie Borden’s love for her father caused her to feel pain after his terrible and gruesome death. Lizzie …show more content…

There was no indication of Andrew Borden drafting or writing a will for the separation of his belongings after his death. Lizzie didn’t have much to gain from her father besides a small plot of land that was already owned by Lizzie and her sister. Some people may say that Lizzie killed her father so she could get her inheritance from her father then killed her stepmother to make sure her and her sister would get everything. According to, The Testimony of Lizzie Borden it says, “ Do you know of your father making a

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