
Llama And The Bully Goat Book Analysis

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Reading books aloud to children from a very young age stimulates their imagination and helps with their social and emotional development. When children are read to they are can express their emotions clearer and develop their social skills. Children learn how to pronounce their words, build on their listening skills and also help them to improve on their spelling when they begin to read for themselves.
By reading to children you can help them with their feelings and how they can help themselves overcome certain situations that may be dealing with. For example in the book “Llama Llama and the bully goat” the book is explains to children how they can deal with bullying and what some signs are so they can pick up on it themselves, like name calling and being rough. The book teaches children how to stand up to bullies and who can help or talk to about it for example teachers or parents. If your child is being bullied one of the best ways to help them with it is to talk to them about it. You might find their sleeping and eating patterns change, loss of interest in activities …show more content…

‘Children learn on average around 3.5 words per day’ (Lowry, 2016). So when calculated that’s 24.5 a week, roughly 105 a month, 1277.5 a year and by the time they are five they should have learnt 6387.5 which is why they need to be exposed to as much literature as possible. Learning new words and using to talk about thoughts and feelings, makes a child feel confident to use language. It’s also important for children to listen to your use of vocabulary and articulation while reading to them because it models how to express themselves. When children are exposed to new, unfamiliar words through reading or being read to, they are benefitted in the future. They will be able to use the different words because they now know the meaning of the words that they

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