Load Balancing Model based on Cloud Partitioning using Cloudsim
Binu Varghese, Dr. K. M Mehata Dean and Professor
M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science, B S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai
Dean and Professor, Department of Computer Science, B S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai
binu.21.10@gmail.com, kmmehata@bsauniv.ac.in
Abstract— Load balancing is one of the central issues in cloud computing. Since millions of users are accessing the cloud every moment, the concept of load balancing has an important impact on the performance of cloud computing. When the environment is very large and complex, the divisions simplify the load balancing. This paper implements two efficient algorithms for performing a better load balance model for the public cloud based on the cloud partitioning concept with a switch mechanism to choose different strategies for different situations. The algorithm applies an improved round robin technique and game theory to the load balancing strategy to improve the efficiency in the Cloud Simulator.
Keywords— Cloud, Load Balancing, Main Controller, Balancer, Game theory.
Cloud computing is an attracting technology in the field of computer science. Cloud computing is an on demand service in which shared resources, information, software and other devices are provided according to the clients requirement at specific time. It’s a term which is generally used in case of Internet. The whole Internet can be viewed as a cloud.
Cloud computing is a one of the most talked of topics in the field of Information Technology in recent times (Keyun, Joe, Taha, & Ibrahim, 2013). This subject area of cloud computing basically is a term used to describe computer resources available as a service accessible over a network (Darren & Kim-Kwang, 2013). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) define cloud computing as a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access on a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction (Peter & Timothy, 2011). Due to the attractive nature of the model there has been rise in the use of cloud computing. Gartner, an IT research and consulting firm, says that cloud computing is growing will become the bulk of IT spend by 2016 (Gartner, 2013).
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing segment of Information technology today. In simple words cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead on the computer's hard drive which can be accessed from any part of the world if the individual are connected to the internet or a network connection is available 24/7. A simple example of cloud computing is g-mail. With the connection of internet through any medium we can send and receive emails.
Cloud computing is a practice of storing, collecting and sharing data and resources through web-based tools. It connects many computers together and forms a bigger computer. The biggest characteristic of cloud technology is flexibility. This refers to the ability of system adapting and scale to change in workload. Cloud computing can automatically provision and deprovision information to ensure it satisfies the latest resource demands (Interoute, What is Cloud Computing).
The Important of Cloud Computing is increasing and it is receiving a growing attention in Scientific & Industrial Communities. Cloud computing is one of the top 10 most important technologies and has a greater possibility in successive years by companies and organizations. Cloud computing implement everywhere, favourable, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and servers) that can be immediately supply and released with minimal management effort.
Cloud computing is a model for allowing convenient on-demand access from anywhere to a shared pool of computing resources. These can include servers’ storage, networking, applications, and services that can be rapidly and easily provisioned and released.
Cloud computing can be understood as a multifaceted infrastructure of hardware, software, storage and processing available to be used as a service. With the use of cloud computing, without even knowing how it works, one can access a large number of the most sophisticated supercomputers of the world and their respective processing powers without being overwhelmed with space or information. Cloud computing allows access to computer networks located at various places in the world and thus offers the speed of
Cloud as the term signifies means the computers in a network to be used for data storage remotely and for maintenance. The cloud computing offers reductions in costs and also has increased scalability, reliability and flexibility in its own processes, and is considered as todays one of the most exciting technologies and has seen a rapid growth over the past ten years. The Cloud computing uses advanced level of computational
Cloud computing is innovative which uses well advanced computational power resource and gigantic improvement in storage capabilities, Cloud is the long dreamed vision of computing utilities, which helps in enable ling the sharing of
The main purpose of this is to overcome the overwhelming of a very large cloud computing environment. Balancing the public cloud using a round robin method that is by processing the jobs in a sequence and divide the cloud into considerable partitions. This counter balancing strategy will be used to predict the capacities of each node in the cloud and maintain the stability. That is by dividing a large public cloud into various cloud partitions so that the system performance is improved. This can be done by assigning the
Cloud Computing is an on demand, flexible and cost friendly delivery platform that has provided IT consumers and organizations services such as networks, storage, servers and applications over the Internet. Its importance is increasing as a large number of industrial and technological communities are rapidly adopting it.
Cloud Computing is a process of delivering a companies or individual’s applications and documents from any place, at any time, on any device. It is also a process in which hosted services are delivered through the internet.
Cloud computing system, which functions based on the concept of providing computing as a utility, can be defined as the method of providing resources for computing on demand, using remotely operational servers on the internet for data storage, processing data and managing data. Its equivalent to using a computer for its services, only without having to carry the hardware for it. Cloud applications, being dynamically scalable, agile and capable of running virtual applications and even an OS on a browser help in reducing costs of resource acquisition.
The cloud aims to cut costs, and help the users focus on their core business instead of being impeded by IT obstacles Cloud computing is so named because the information being accessed is found in the "clouds", and does not require a user to be in a specific place to gain access to it. The services are offered from data centres all over the world, which collectively are referred to as the "cloud." The idea of the "cloud" is to simplify the huge network connections and computer systems involved in online services. Cloud computing is a computing model, not a technology. In this model of computing, all the servers, networks, applications and other elements related to data centres are made available to IT and end users. Cloud computing is a type of computing that is comparable to grid computing. It relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.
There are different definition available of cloud computing, one of them is as “Cloud computing is a new way of delivering computing resources and services. There are many researcher and experts believe that
Cloud computing refers to the technology in which the entire range of the services such as application, infrastructure and the platform are accessed with the help of the internet. The access to these services are provided by the major contributors such as Google, Apple , Salesforce.com, Amazon and Microsoft and the access to these services were entirely out of reach if these major providers would not have contributed in it to a large extent. The entire range of the services provided by the cloud computing includes the activities for the business operations. Collaboration; communication project management, data analysis; data scheduling; storage and the sharing are supported by the cloud services. The access to these cloud computing