
Lobotomy Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Howard should not have received the Lobotomy because the Lobotomy is a horrifying procedure. Lobotomies cause a person to be in a zombie like state, violent tendencies, and memory loss. So this is not a safe procedure. “The book says this…” (pg99) The lobotomy causes a person to act much different then they would before, many times patients have no emotion. In Howard’s case the book says “You looked listless. And sad. Like a zombie” (pg 99). People will also have less control of their emotions. The book quotes Howard to be angry “Howard is a bit of a handful, screaming at Mrs. Black and throwing a pillow at her, striking her arm” (pg 100). Memory loss is extremely common. The book quotes “i don’t have any memory at all of the days and weeks

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