
Loch Ness Monster Arguments

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1. I could not find my cup after Brat left the room. He must have stolen it. How does this person know that Brat stole the cup? Has he stolen things before? Did someone move it somewhere? It is a possibility that Brat stole it but there are other options that need to be addressed first. 2. There are only two types of people in the world. Either they are your friends or they are your enemies. This is a false dilemma. There are more alternatives than friends and enemies, like acquaintances and strangers. 3. The Loch Ness monster obviously exists. Scientists have not been able to show that it does not exist. This is a fallacy because there is no proof that the Loch Ness monster exists. Just because scientists have not yet disproved the existence …show more content…

Assuming that the premises were true than the conclusion would be correct. 7. All my Facebook friends are also your Facebook friends. Many of your Facebook friends are idiots. Therefore, many of my Facebook friends are idiots. More information is needed. The second statement says many friends, not all friends are idiots. That leaves it open to assume that the idiot friends may not be included in the first statements friends. 8. People think that the Mona Lisa is beautiful but they do not know why. The answer is that every part of her face is beautiful, especially her smile. Fallacy of composition. This sounds like this is someones opinion rather than a fact backed up by research. You have to assume that each part of her face is equally as beautiful when compared to the other facial features. 9. Hawking is a scientist and an atheist. So it is not the case that no scientist is an atheist. This is not a fallacy. The first statement says that scientists can be atheists. 10. I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy—but that could change. The two statements are not saying the same thing and they are not agreeing with one another. If something is irreversible than it wouldn't

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