For this class that I was teaching for, the students once entering in the classroom at the beginning of the day are required to take their name card and place it in a poster board slot showing that they are here. Each student have their own specific job, such as cleanup, line leader, lights, calendar person, weather person, school day counter, and student counter. Students are required to clean up after themselves before moving on to the next assignment. Since this is kindergarten, the cleanup person’s job is to pick up any items that they may have forgotten and to put away things such as scissors. Students must raise their hand in order for the teacher/s to respond to his or her question. There is absolutely no running inside the classroom or in the hallways. …show more content…
For lockdown drills it is important that the students practice remaining quiet for safety reasons as the students and teachers will hide away from the door and any open windows. For the fire evacuation drill, the teacher will lead the students to the nearest exit. During this procedure it is important that the students remain quiet and in a straight line. Once outside, it is important for the teacher to make sure his or her students are there. Once the okay is given, they will walk back into the
'We have a duty of care towards pupils, we should ensure that they are comfortable and safe and that the environment is secure and conductive to learning. ' Louise Burnham Supporting Teaching and Learning in schools. Indoors the housekeeping must be to a high standard. It is required daily. It is required after each lesson in each classroom and after each outdoor and indoor activity. Tidy areas help prevent accidents and health risks. Toys and other equipment need to be checked on each use visually for wear and tear and removed from use as required. It is good practice to teach pupils to keep their tables, area and things tidy and in order to reduce the risk and possible outcome to them and others. We are to help pupils to be progressively independent according to their age and stage. Correct footwear for PE is important for each pupil. The correct control measures need to be in place for each activity. When using the
Emergency procedure 1. In the event of a lock down, a bell will ring for a period of one minute. Once staff and students hear this bell, classrooms must be locked, blinds must be drawn and students must get as low to the ground as possible to avoid being seen. To signify that a lock down has ended, another bell will ring for one minute.
Kluger goes on to explain throughout the story that the most important thing to remember during a crisis is to stay organized and act calmly. Referring to everyday occurrences of evacuations that take place all over the world, depending on what type of situation the person or people is/are placed in, the differences of how they handle the situation may vary. Such as fire drills practiced
When an emergency situation arises, it's essential that you are able to recognise it, as well as respond. Emergency situations such as fires are suddenly notice and quick recognition can be crucial. When aware of a fire, alert the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building through the nearest fire exit. If you at any point in the school day hear the fire alarm. Everyone must immediately leave the building via their nearest fire exit (this is rehearsed often throughtout the year to make sure everyone is fully aware of what to do). If a child has an illness, then you must first speak to the child in question and become
All rules are displayed in every classroom, children are addressed in assembly everyday and rewarded for good work at the end of the week with pupil of the week, house points, any certificates gained and rewards for good behaviour.
Consequently, the drills we do should be more than by the numbers drills, they should be operations that imitate what we will do at the emergency scene. They should be our “bread and butter” drills that we must get correct, every time. These drills must emulate what we do on the fire ground as a department. The goal should be training that becomes a common reaction and not a focus on what we remember as a one, two, three process.
Personal review This book, Lockdown, was a pretty good book. I like the fast paced action and the way it kept my attention. The storyline was very interesting and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. The book did a great job of making everything very descriptive, and easy to picture.
With fires the procedure is to gather all the children and staff in the set meeting place in the class and then in an orderly manner to meet at the designated meeting place set by the setting which is normally outside and away from the building. A register should also be taken too to account for all the children in the class.
The bus was due to leave at 9am. As soon as the children arrived at 8.30am and ushered into the class, they were settled down and the register was taken, ensuring all the children that were going on the trip were present. Before departing, we ensured all the children had their coats, that they had their packed lunch in a carrier bag and that it was labelled with their name. We also asked the children if they needed to go to the toilet so
One must look at classroom management as a plan for what procedures students will follow throughout the day. Teachers must understand their role in making sure students have a successful experience each day. Wong H. & Wong R., state “Effective teachers teach how to responsibly follow procedures” (2009, p. 165). To have a smooth-running classroom with minimal behaviors, students must be taught classroom procedures from the very first day. In my classroom we have procedures for many things we do each day. Some of these are arrival of children, snack time, lining up and walking down the hallway, and cleaning up centers. I have been teaching these procedures for many years with much success.
Due to the threat of nuclear bombs, schools had to create drills that made people feel they have some kind of safety. The safety drills really didn’t do anything considering the fact that a nuclear bomb can turn buildings into ash in under a second. Most of the time the children would just hide under their desks
For daycares that wait on our campus (YMCA, O2B, Girl Place, etc.), students need to remain seated with their group leaders and are not allowed to reenter the building without adult supervision.
Millie: We all know how that goes. So just to be clear, a fire drill is where everyone practices what they would do if there was a fire?
Over the course of one class period, I participate in a few different activities with the children. First, we stop at the bathrooms before breakfast. Being as far into the school year as we are, the class knows what is expected of them and what the schedule is. However, they do space out quite often. If a teacher is not standing by the bathroom door watching them wash their hands, then there is a good chance they will play in the sink. Once I or another teacher says their name or reminds them to hurry up, then they go back to following the rules. The children are obedient because they have respect for teachers and because they do not want a punishment.