
Locke Qualities

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Locke has determined two was of classify thing qualities of objects that enable ideas. Primary and secondary qualities by which ideas are understood and observed through perception and sensation they invoke in the observer. The mind is the ultimate decider of sensation the observe feels with certain objects. Berkeley has a different opinion from Locke where he has good reason to believe Locke is wrong. Hume agrees with some thing of both Locke and Berkeley on the topic of qualities.

Ideas and qualities are two different things according to Locke. Locke means by idea is the object of thought; mental entities that exist in our mind. Locke defines qualities as power to produce ideas in our mind. Locke argues that perception causes ideas and …show more content…

If one is to say that secondary qualities like taste exist only in the mind then we must say the same thing about primary qualities. “Great and small, swift and slow, are allowed to exist nowhere without the mind, being entirely relative, and changing as the frame or position of the organs of sense varies.” (George Berkeley XI) This shows that primary qualities are also dependent on the observer and how they are viewing the object at the specific moment. Primary properties are also dependent of the observer and not just on the physical object, as Locke has argued for. Knowing that primary qualities are also dependent on the observer how is one suppose to distinguish between primary and secondary qualities if Locke stated that primary are physical properties of the object while secondary are based on the observer’s …show more content…

This shows the secondary quality such as hot and cold are within the mid because it can cause one hand to feel cold and another hand to feel heat. Berkeley states that primary qualities like texture or shape can be affect the mind as well and provide sensations. Since an object can appear different to different people so how could we distinguish between primary and secondary qualities? At different position one can perceive different from someone else at another position.
Hume agrees with Locke that perception is the foundation of our ideas but disagrees with the distinction of primary and secondary qualities. He agrees with Berkeley that there is no proofs that can show how one is suppose to distinguish between primary and secondary qualities of perception. For Hume knowledge is limited to simple impressions and simple ideas. He distinguishes between impression and ideas: impressions are the lively, first-hand perception, of something internal or external. Ideas are less lively, occur when we reflect on previous impressions we have

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