
Locke Vs Hobbes State Of Nature Essay

Decent Essays

Examining the theories of both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke has brought me to conclude that the establishment of a governing state is a natural progression of the human race. Although both ultimately come to this same conclusion, I see the state of nature failing for a key reason that I think they overlook, and believe understanding the natural need of formation of government is a much simpler concept than the two make it seem.

Hobbes talks in great deal about his idea of “felicity”, essentially, a person’s natural want for achieving power. Elaborating, he says that this power vacuum of sorts embedded in the human brain will bring forth competition, and would ultimately lead to a state of war (Wolff, p. 10), which I agree with. Moral competition between beings that operated under Hobbes’s proposed “Laws of Nature” would make a “state of nature” succeed for some time, but the problem arrises when people rebel. Not everyone is going to follow these simple laws, there will be the outcast that will divert from the good, honest people. This is where I see the state of nature turn into a state of war, like Hobbe predicts. …show more content…

12) But is what Wolff describing right then not a governing body? The morally sound are taking liberties away from those immoral people, and making them succumb to their laws. In the eyes of the immoral this would certainly not seem like a “state of nature”. From the outside looking in, it does not appear that way to myself

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