
Locker Monologue

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I hate early mornings with a passion. I didn't even want to come to school today. I somehow managed to roll out of bed today though and here I am standing here listening to Rob yap about another dumb slut, who actually hooked up with him. I round the corner to my locker and see a crowd hovering around something. I shake my head and make my way to my locker.

"Those stupid fuckers are bullying the new girl. Supposedly, she fucked a bunch of dudes at her old school." I look over there again and chuckle.

"Yeah. Right." Not dressed in that getup she's wearing. Her sweats look like they belong to someone five times her size.

"Sadie and Parker are egging them on, That's kinda shitty, they do the same thing." He shakes his head and opens his locker. …show more content…

I'm not here to make her happy. So I close her door and walk around to my side. I climb in the car and peel out of the parking lot.

"Where am I taking you?"

"I don't know. I just needed to get out of there. I just moved here with my mom. I don't know my way around." Talk about a sob story this girl is. Why do I always have to be the hero?

"Do you smoke?"

"No. But you can."

"You're 420 friendly, right?" She frowns.

"I don't know what that is." Yeah it's probably not a good idea. I pull a cigarette and lighter out of the center console instead.

"You hungry?" She shakes her head. "Well I'm gonna grab breakfast at the diner and go back to my house. You want me to drop you off at home?"

"Yeah. That's probably best. I know it's your car but would you mind slowing down?

I reduce my speed, and I feel like a grandma creeping along.

"Thank you." I nod. She turns toward me. "Are you really going to not tell me your name?"

"I don't know yours either."

"Imogen Rodriguez."

"You don't look, Hispanic."

"I didn't know we had a look."

"I'm not trying to stereotype. But you're black."

"I don't speak Spanish well but my father was from Puerto Rico ."

I look at her.


"And your name …show more content…

I like quiet rides.

When we get to her house, the girl walks up to her house and I light up my blunt. She's gone. So, I'm good or so I think. I go to put my car in drive when I see her dancing and banging on the door. I wait another minute. Nobody is answering. She sits on the stairs, trying not to pee on herself. I beep the horn and she looks up at me. I shake my head and wave her over. She gets up and walks back over to the car.

"You don't have a key to your fucking house?"

"No. My brother is supposed to get home from school before me."

"You left school early, remember?"

"Right. I forgot that fast." I roll my eyes and unlock the door for her. She climbs in.

"So, I'm going to the diner to get food for me and my daughter and then heading back home." I pull off.

"You have a kid?"


"You're still in high school." I don't respond to that. I'm aware. "I'm not judging you. It just shocked me."

"People do fuck in high school. So, babies can be made in high school."

"Right." Her cheeks turn bright red. Tell-tale sign, she has no experience there in that department. So much for that rumor.

"I'll drop you off around four. I'm going to sleep when I get home." I glance over at her and see she's unzipped her baggy ass hoodie.

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