
Lockland: A Short Story

Satisfactory Essays

When I was younger, my family and I moved into a small, white house on the very edge of Lockland. Now, it wasn't some amazing house at all. It had one bedroom, a living room, kitchen and bathroom; so small that it was like a flat for a college student. There were two adults and four young kids all crammed inside. Some nights we all slept on the living room floor because there just wasn't enough room, even with my tiny perspective I could see that. Other nights, we didn't have much to eat, just spaghetti, Ramen noodles and mac & cheese; as my brother, Adam says. Everything got to my mom sometimes, like it would with any person. I remember one day the alarm went off for no reason and she couldn't get it to stop blaring through the house and I guess it just pushed the stress over the edge. I recall standing before her and looking up at her as she cried in frustration not only at the busted alarm, but at the whole world. …show more content…

He was better then but still not great. I suppose that was his way of dealing with things, by doing nothing and drowning it all out. Sometimes my mom says that she wishes she had the guy before the alcohol. I can't help but just look at her when she says that because I never really knew that man and I wish I had. Even when we had nothing going for us, my mom still pulled through for us. There’s nothing I believe more than that my mom is the reason that my family made it out of the hole my childhood was surrounded by. If I were to ever go through the cheesy process of writing about ‘who my hero is’, I would more than likely write about my mom and everything she’s done for our

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