When I was younger, my family and I moved into a small, white house on the very edge of Lockland. Now, it wasn't some amazing house at all. It had one bedroom, a living room, kitchen and bathroom; so small that it was like a flat for a college student. There were two adults and four young kids all crammed inside. Some nights we all slept on the living room floor because there just wasn't enough room, even with my tiny perspective I could see that. Other nights, we didn't have much to eat, just spaghetti, Ramen noodles and mac & cheese; as my brother, Adam says. Everything got to my mom sometimes, like it would with any person. I remember one day the alarm went off for no reason and she couldn't get it to stop blaring through the house and I guess it just pushed the stress over the edge. I recall standing before her and looking up at her as she cried in frustration not only at the busted alarm, but at the whole world. …show more content…
He was better then but still not great. I suppose that was his way of dealing with things, by doing nothing and drowning it all out. Sometimes my mom says that she wishes she had the guy before the alcohol. I can't help but just look at her when she says that because I never really knew that man and I wish I had. Even when we had nothing going for us, my mom still pulled through for us. There’s nothing I believe more than that my mom is the reason that my family made it out of the hole my childhood was surrounded by. If I were to ever go through the cheesy process of writing about ‘who my hero is’, I would more than likely write about my mom and everything she’s done for our
A hero, a hero is someone or something that tries to be funny and is loving and caring. My Mom, Sara Lundberg is a mother, a wife, a hard worker, and most of all my hero. Sara Lundberg has has dark brown eyes that are the opposite of her personality loving, caring and nice. She is my Michigan hero.
A hero is someone you look up to. Who’s your hero? Who do you look up to? “I love my hero to Neptune and back!” My hero, Tasha Young, came from a poor family, works hard and survived cancer. My hero is the oldest of five kids, she didn’t graduate high school and she was a single parent. My mom, Tasha Young, is my hero.
As we grow up throughout life, we hold onto many heroes as they have impacted our life. Looking into my personal life, my hero consists of my mother, Darla Linden. She defined a hero as “a person stepping up in a situation without thinking they also are in harm 's way”(Linden, Darla). Throughout my lifetime my mom has been there for me since day one and has helped nurtured me.. She sacrifices many things for myself and for my family by providing us with our daily needs. I can always count on her to point me in the right direction by pursuing my dreams and wishes. I admire her caring heart and faithfulness the most because she would drop anything instantly to help someone else in need. She supports me in all of my extra curricular activities and motivates myself to bring out my full potential. I get inspired by her courageous character by never backing down to a challenge and always finishing through. When I asked my mom who she picked as her hero she said, “the service men and women of all branches who fight for our country”(Linden, Darla). They provide us with safety by sacrificing
We all have our heros. For some it may be a superhero like batman, or a special person in there life. For me it is special person. Someone who has helped me time and time and has been there for me. This person’s name is Grace Snyder-Hansen. She is my hero because she is has great character qualities.
One person’s hero might seem just like another ordinary person to another. My father might not be world famous but to me he’s just as much much a hero to me then any one of those people. Everyday he works; to make sure that I have an opportunity to succeed in life, have a happy life, and be able to grow as a person.
My hero is Vesta Colvin, also known as my Mom. She is my chosen hero because she didn't just make sacrifices for me, she's made them for virtually our whole family. My mother is the youngest of two, but due to certain circumstances she had to relinquish that role. Her role as the youngest had to be relinquished because my aunt decided to start having kids at about 14 years old and that forced her to grow up faster than she should’ve
A hero is someone that you look up to someone who inspires you. Somebody that has done something that you admire. A hero is Oprah Winfrey she inspires me to keep pushing and she motivates me with her life story. She had a rough childhood from moving back and forth from her father to her mother. She didn’t feel so secure with her mother because she stayed in the ghetto. When she moved in with her dad she felt safe she knew that nothing would happen to her. Then her mother wanted her to move back with her so she did. Oprah once again did not feel safe at. When she was nine she was sexually abused by man of her family's trusted friends. Her mother worked odd jobs so she couldn’t be there to supervise Oprah. Her childhood was very rough she had
For my personal narrative, I have to write about a hero of mine, my hero is my best friend, Kat. Kat is my hero for multiple reasons, such as making me a better person, and a happier one. She also helps me edit and draw a lot of the time, which helps because she is super good at both those things.
This hero essay is about my grandmother. People always look for someone who is strong and caring to help them in times of need. My grandmother is an example of a true hero. There are certain times when she took care of me when I was sick or I needed her. Furthermore, she had taken time and love to help my grandpa when he got into an accident. Lastly, the confidence she has in her own beliefs to help those in need that are on the reservation. There are many examples of strength and honor my grandmother displays that makes her my hero.
Christopher Reeve once said, “a hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” (Google). Now, you’re probably thinking who is he; didn’t he die back in the 2000’s? Yes, he did die in 2004 but he is still best known for his comic book Superman but I’m getting off subject. Let’s talk about this quote and why I chose my mom to be my superhero. A hero, in Christopher Reeve’s words, is any kind of individual who finds strength and the power to pass through tiny and big obstacles. Do you believe that? Do you think that’s a good definition for the word hero? I do, because my mom does that every day. My mom is my superhero because she is remarkable.
I have a lot of heroes to compare to my mother but I’m going to compare her one that I like the most. The hero that in comparing her is Spiderman. Spiderman he is a great hero because he loves his family and also helps a lot of people. My mother is the same she cares about us, her family and she also cares about people. Also they both put a lot into the community. Also these two people have superpowers because they are both strong but on their different way. And threw out this essay im going to explain my point of view on both pearson, Spiderman and my mother.
Until very recently, nearly all superheroes have been men. From spiderman to batman to superman, the protagonist and the hero is always a super masculine figure. Just recently, society has realized the lack of feminine figures in terms of being a hero or a heroine and has started to make movies about Wonder Woman and Black Widow. In this sense, I like to think of myself as an original thinker. Since I was a child, my mom has been one of my biggest heroes. She represents every quality that one would assign to a typical hero. Short of swooping me from falling off of a skyscraper, she has done nearly everything that a hero could possibly do. She has motivated and inspired me to chase my goals and push through every form of adversity that gets in between me and those goals. It is because of these qualities that I am the person I am today and I have accomplished the things that I have.
Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, like the iconic heroes we see on the big screen, for example, Batman and Superman, or normal everyday heroes, like a doctor or a firefighter. But I think that the biggest hero is the one that is closest to me, and that is my Mom. Everyday, I admire and look up to her, and others should too.
During 5th grade year of 2016, almost once every week my parents would go and look for a house. I would remind them everyday that the house we have is great and there is no need to find another. In that house I have lived there at least eight years, which is most of my life so far. Till this day it has always been my favorite house, and the perfect house. I have made so many memories there it is impossible to count. I loved it.
However, my grandma didn’t become my hero until I was six years old, when my parents got a divorce. Before the divorce, life was simple; my father had a steady job making enough money for my mother to stay home and take care of my two brothers and me. In addition to staying home and taking care of us, my mother also homeschooled us. We lived in a big house in a nice neighborhood surrounded by friendly families. Our lives were like this for more than half a decade, and this is how my family expected our lives to remain.