updated: April 26, 2016 Logical Reasoning Bradley H. Dowden Philosophy Department California State University Sacramento Sacramento, CA 95819 USA ii iii Preface Copyright © 2011-14 by Bradley H. Dowden This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its author endorse …show more content…
vi Table of Contents Preface.........................................................................................................................................................iii Copyright ...............................................................................................................................................iii Praise .......................................................................................................................................................iv Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................. v Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................vi CHAPTER 1 How to Reason Logically ........................................................................................ 1 Facing a Decision as a Critical Thinker ............................................................................................... 2 Advice for Logical Reasoners ............................................................................................................... 5 Examples of Good Reasoning............................................................................................................. 14 Review of Major Points
In the course, I also acquired the necessary citation formatting used in academic writing, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and Turban. However, the course concentrates more on MLA referencing style. To avoid plagiarism or to acknowledge the work done by other authors, English 1101 taught me to identify all the phrases, ideas, quotations or images from someone else’s work, and cite them accordingly. According to
Here is the section of the style guide that might help you with your citations.
Correct A.By alphabetical order by last name of author(s) or by first character of the first word of a reference (if no author is provided).
C. Use a signal phrase that includes the author 's name, along with the page number on which the information appeared in parentheses.
Cahn, Steven M., Patricia Kutcher, George Sher, and Peter J. Markie, eds. Reason at Work: Introductory Readings in Philosophy. 3rd Ed. Florence, KY: Thomson Learning, Inc., 1996.
The structure of a citation under the Harvard referencing system is the author 's surname, year of publication, and page number or range, in parentheses, as illustrated in the Smith example near the top of this article.
r. P1) The classroom teacher is crucial to the development and academic success of the average student, administrators simply are ancillary to this effort.
| Include the first seven authors’ names, then insert three ellipses, and add the last author’s name, like this:Author, I., Author, I., Author, I., Author, I., Author, I., Author, I., Author, I.,…Author, I. (year).
• Click the Annotated Bibliography link the under the Samples heading. You may use this format to create your annotated bibliography.
When you include a direct quotation or paraphrase referring to a specific passage in your paper, always include the author and year, as well as the page number, as part of the citation. APA requires the author, year, and page number for direct quotations and recommends providing the same information for paraphrases.
This project requires research imagination, and logic in applying the content of this course and book.
I believe that most people do the right thing out of reasoning rather than out of habit. When deciding to do the right thing we use reasoning to help guide us decide if what we are doing is the right thing or not. There are situations in which someone who sees this as a habit will mistake it and maybe cause someone else to misunderstand the person's act. An example of this can be my mom who opens the door to elderly people whenever she sees one. On one occasion my mother opened the door for an elderly women and instead of saying thank you or being grateful for the help or some kind of appreciation she ended up yelling at my mother saying that she was more than willing to open her own door and that even though she was old she still had the strength
I must admit that I really thought about dropping this class since I was feeling burnt out and just plain tired of thinking; surely a course in logic was going to require me to think! Of course in my role as an oncology nurse I spend five days a week administering dangerous medications and preventing or treating serious side effects, so not thinking is definitely not an option. Besides, I already spent $60 to RENT the Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking textbook, so I might as well “pull up my big girl panties” and get to work.
Spinoza’s Ethics is widely thought of as Spinoza’s greatest work. One noteworthy claim that he makes in his Ethics is his argument for substance monism, or the existence of only one substance. In Proposition 14, Part I of his Ethics, Spinoza states that “There can be, or be conceived, no other substance but God.” This statement amounts to saying that everything else in this world, whether it is extended or not, is a mere image of God. Spinoza’s proof for this comes in three steps. One, assume that no two substances can share an attribute. Two, assume that there exists a substance that contains infinite attributes. Three, by these two assumptions, another substance cannot exist
I had actions that I deem thoughtless, brash or impulsive because of illogical reasoning. Maybe because of the spur of events it may have caused emotional outbursts on my part that clouded my judgement which translated to my worst response. It dawned on me that I need to be more critical. I need to gain more knowledge and be more self-aware so that I would be able to make better judgments. If skeptical, I do not need to take action, there is a need for me to provide myself information to equip me so my actions will be fruitful and not be baseless. This is the same with obtaining information from other people, I need to know that the argument being conveyed is based on facts and the supporting data indeed provides support to the decision. I