- Chloe Carleton -
Chloe Carleton, a 8th grader at Laurel Ridge Middle School, still has her life ahead of her. And she has plans for every part of it. Some are big dreams, some are small goals, and some are memories.
Chloe, currently a member of LRMS’s Publications class, wanted to go to the class because it looked like plenty of fun to her, among creating the yearbook to writing on articles, by which she loves writing news articles specifically. Chloe, 20 years from now, plans to be out of college and on her way to becoming a doctor, which she’s wanted to be since a very young age. Before college, she plans on getting lots of A’s, with a few B’s for the end of this year. For high school, Chloe wants to get a higher GPA than she needs
In a town where darkness is the only thing ever known by its inhabitants, live Lina and Doon. Soon the town will be forced into eternal darkness, so Lina and Doon have to find a way out of the City of Ember. Throughout their adventures, they realize that they need to think and act more like an adult than a 12-year-old kid to succeed. As Doon is braver, more observant, and more fixated, he is more adult-like than Lina.
Ottawa- Dan Stoddard was doing what he does every day when he came across a woman who seemed to be in danger. He asked her what was wrong and she confided in him that she was being abused physically and emotionally and that she needed a phone. Stoddard could have very well ignored this women but he the just thing and called transit security. In the end, the police came and were able to take the woman to a safer place.
Vanessa Brenes is currently a student at Salem Church Middle School and is in eighth grade. She is 14 years old and lives with her parents and two sisters in Richmond, Virginia. She has a dog who’s named Lexi, she is a beagle who loves to play. Vanessa is in all honors classes and is excited about transitioning into high school. One of her favorite subjects in school is Algebra I and Civics and Economics. She has applied to a specialty center and is hoping to get accepted. She also loves to go to starbucks, loves to shop until she drops and enjoys being around her close friends and family! Although she hasn’t written any books and isn’t famous, yet, she is sarcastic and so much fun to have around.
With its uncomplicated moral for parents to look after their children, M (Lang, 1931), the film that Fritz Lang himself considered his best artwork, reveals the story of Hans Beckert, the man whose perverted desires turned him into a pedophile and a serial killer. As the story goes, Fritz Lang exposes and juxtaposes two personalities hidden in Beckert - the maniac, the personality that the director integrates into the movie first, without showing the murderer’s face, and the paranoiac who is scared of his urgencies but is too weak to resist them. Such scenes as Beckert’s examination of his face in the mirror while the police secretary describes the traits of the maniac, the maniac’s “transformation” as he sees the new potential victim and his attempt to hold his wrath, and the trial expose different traits of the Beckert’s personality, giving his character more complexity than just a label “serial killer”. The blocking, setting of the scenes, and sound design help to reveal Beckert’s nature through the film and to built the tense and mystique atmosphere around him, drawing the spectator’s attention away from the issue of the murdered children to the development of the villain’s character.
Lennie Small is a character that readers are drawn to right from the beginning of the book. His innocence stands out from the grimey coverings of loneliness and hopelessness that the other characters wear. The reason Lennie is so innocent is because he has a mental handicap, one that prevents him from understanding complex human emotions such as guilt, or concepts such as death. In addition Lennie has trouble remembering things, “" I tried and tried [to remember]...but it didn't do not good." Consequently, Lennie has trouble fitting in with society. Ultimately his mental disability is what leads to Lennie's demise at the end of the book. Another trait that is an essential part of Lennie's innocent character is his devotion to his closest friend George. In fact, the only times Lennie is shown to be angry is when George is insulted or threatened. When Crooks, the crippled, black, stable hand, implies bad things about George, this devotion is clearly shown. “Suddenly Lennie's eyes centered and grew quiet, and mad. He walked dangerously toward Crooks. 'Who hurt George?' he demanded" When it comes to George, Lennie would deviate from the normal passive motives of his persona. More support can be found when George is the only one who can convince Lennie to “get him[Curly]” when Curly attacks him, as well as being the only one to stop him. Perhaps the most prominent support for Lennie's childlike innocence is in his utter belief of George and his dream. No matter how
My favorite part of the book is when JD found out that he did not have AIDs because it was the most interesting thing in the book and it had me on the edge of my seat. My favorite character is JD because he is very persistent with everything he does , he is honest ,and he was one of the smartest characters in the book.The book was about a guy name JD dawson who is from the ghetto part of oakland, California who try to make a better life for himself by going to college. Most of the guys who JD grew up with are dead or in jail but when one of his best friends die that's a wake up call for him so when he is accepted into the university of atlanta he goes without thinking twice. When he gets to atlanta he finds trouble when he meets a girl named
In today’s society the world is extensively connected, linked together through the vast expanse of the internet. This incredible feat allows for the ability to discover, exchange, and relay information in an instant, with millions of people around the planet and yet this can come at a price. In Will Ferguson’s novel 419, the crime that is internet scamming unfolds before the characters as a man’s life is taken and the dangers of 419 come to life. The desperate lies from Nigerian criminals and selfish exploitations represented in the novel, however, are responsible for much of the human development throughout. The crime against the innocent that exists here is providing a reason for people to unite and become stronger.
experienced many historical events in its over 280 year past. It is no surprise that the essence of
The literature character that I have selected to analyze is George from “The Veldt”. I will be making an in-depth look at both physical and psychological traits that George might posses. I picked George, since in the story he went through some major changes that seemed interesting to analyze. Also, I like how George is willing to go through those changes in his family. However, I dislike how George is easily convinced into doing things that he knows he should not do. I identify with this trait that George has because I dislike saying no to a person; thus, I am easily convinced to do things I know is wrong. George reminds me of my older sister, because they share many traits and habits. An example, both of them are obsessed with getting the newest technology, and they always have to have some sort of technology with them at all times.
“Everyone needs a stretch class,” Mr. Brett Bowers, Homestead High School principal exclaimed. When mid-January comes around at Homestead, Mr. Bowers says this to every student as they are preparing to register for class for the following year. I took my high school principal's advice to heart when I started my college search; Northwestern is my school, a school that will challenge me to be not only the best student possible but also the best person. The Medill School of Journalism has been one of my dreams ever since I started my journalism adventure three years ago, and my desire to be a student at Medill has only grown since I started my quest to find my place in the high education world. One particular aspect of Medill that peaks my interest
To whom it may concern, Georgia Beckmann is one of the most intelligent, thoughtful and witty students I have seen in my counselling career. These qualities are impossible to miss through how she approaches her assignments, the quality of her insight into topics at hand, discussions in class and extracurricular activities. Georgia’s hard work has consistently earned her some of the highest grades of her class since freshman year, and she has continuously challenged herself each year to improve the quality of her work and analyses across academic disciplines. Georgia has earned straight A’s throughout her entire high school career, which is no surprise based on the hard-working spirit she exudes every day in all of her classes. This has carried
The character Mollie reveals that not every person living in the same predicament might have the same views. Mollie goes against what all the animals believe in which is socialism. Socialism is the practice of the majority taking control of businesses. She hurts the revolution by sneaking and finding ways to get ribbons and sugar from the humans. The animals who were willing to die for any animal are betrayed by their own kind.
Chloe Wilkin has a fun life story full of enjoyment, close relationships, and fulfilling dreams. Chloe Wilkin was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan on November 2, 2005. She lives with her mom, Margaret, dad, Shawn, and her only sister, Lily. When asking Chloe who she thinks she is most similar to in her family, she replies with, “I think I am most like my dad. We both enjoy golf, messing with my mom *chuckles*, and we also both like eating junk food.” After, living in Ypsilanti, Michigan for seven-and-a-half fun-filled years she finally parts from her house. Nearing the age eight, she then moved to a small house on the outside of Saline, Michigan, where she still lives to this day. Where moving to Saline, she attended 4th-grade class at Heritage
My friend Chloe Pelot is a hard worker and dedicated to what she loves. Everyday she goes to the barn and takes care of horses, she never complains and enjoys what she does. Chloe is a great example of when you find something you love to do it does not feel like a job. She found something she loves to do and made it her job, that is not something most people can do. It is amazing and I strive to do that one day as well.
I think Longoria’s character shows a lot of discipline for doing what is enforced to do. We see how violence has affected his life and other people’s perspective of him. He started out in the Army at a very young age and carried out the harsh tasks that he was given, no matter how cruel they were. Longoria is a strong-minded person. For him to carry out some of the assignments he was given, it takes a different kind of person. For example, the incident with the people in the village. He murdered a whole village of innocent people. To me, this shows that Longoria is ruthless. In a sense, I would almost say that he has lost his mind. After years of killing like he did, how does he not have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? Most people that must go through and witness the things like Longoria are scarred for the rest of their life. For example, my grandfather was in the military during Vietnam. He would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, fireworks and loud noises bothered him, among other little things that would trigger his PTSD. Violence eventually takes its toll and I think it got the best of Longoria.