Throughout our lives, we find that we just aren't ourselves without a companion, someone to watch our back, someone we can talk to through rough times. Sometimes when we find ourselves lost in life we go to some of our best friends in search for some advice. Its just the nature, the nature in every living thing that pulls us towards a specific companion’(s), to help us complete the journey that is life. Life is not so easy without a friend, the feeling of loneliness that some of us were lucky enough to never come across. Just as shown in Of Mice and Men, a novel that shows what good a companion can do for you in life. This feeling of how loneliness can affect us is all illustrated by author, John Steinbeck. Nobody finds loneliness appealing, without someone having your back or someone to be there for you, life isn't as easy as it may seem at this point in life. …show more content…
First of many examples include Lennie's attachment to George, but also that of Georges attachment to Lennie. The attachment is there though possibly hard to spot ever think of why George doesn't leave Lennie, of course we already know a few reasons, though what if George is also afraid of being alone, lost without companionship. They always have each other, they were always there to keep each other's emotions from manifesting into something dangerous. As shown is the quote “Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. I just like to know what your interest is.” found on page 25. They will do a lot for each other, bringing consequences into their own lives. Such commitment to their friendship makes their boss wonder if there's any self interest involved in George's part. But from what he doesn't see, that's not true they stand by each other's side no matter what happens and what problems Lennie brings to the
Strong friendships have the power to make people’s lives better. George and Lennie travel together and eventually live together, resulting in a strong bond between them. George cares for Lennie and he makes sure
In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have an extremely close relationship throughout the story. George is a good caregiver to Lennie because George has always been by his side throughout the struggles they both face. He always seems to have something positive to say about Lennie. However, he is not a very good caregiver to Lennie because George lacks understanding of Lennie and gets frustrated very easily. Early on in the novel, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, it really shows how strong George and Lennie’s friendship is.
Based on the short story, Steinbeck would say that people are lonely when they no longer have a purpose, and that having a friend can help give you a purpose or help find you one. Firstly, we try to separate people who are different from ourselves, as seen with Crooks, everyone else on the farm treats him differently by never talking
George and Lennie have a very strong and special bond that is formed throughout this book, it’s formed on the foundation of hard work and a dream to buy a little ranch and live off of what the earth produces, such as crops and plants. On that ranch they plan to have animals such as chickens, rabbits, cows, etc they especially want to have their own ranch because no one tell them what to do. They can live by their own terms, make their own money, and most importantly they can never get kicked off their own ranch. The most important factor of George and Lennie’s relationship is their unity. They always stay together, which is very rare because men in this book usually stay by themselves so they don’t have to share anything such as money and food.
Throughout this story George and Lennie had a great companionship. George and Lennie consider each other
All of us have gone through loneliness at some point in our lives. Some more than others, but definitely at one time. Google defines loneliness as, “sadness because one has no friends or company.” In the book Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, this is a recurring issue that many characters face at different times throughout the story. Most of the time, the author has the character express their loneliness directly through dialogue directed towards another character, but sometimes the reader needs to analyze hints from the author or re-read sections to uncover a character's hidden loneliness.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck discusses loneliness not only in the primary characters but in the secondary ones as well. Crooks lives his life in isolation mostly due to racism. After losing his dog, Candy is lonely because he feels as if he has lost his best friend. Curley’s wife does not get the attention that she thinks she deserves so she seeks it out in the other men around the ranch. All three of these characters have their own ways of justifying their alienation.
Katherine Aragon Mrs. Donato-Jennings Ninth Grade 6 November 2015 Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck brought up this theme of loneliness in many characters in the book. Crooks, Curley’s wife, and Candy are three characters that are part of this theme. In the beginning of the novella George said “ Life working as ranch hands is on the loneliness lives to live, for these people to find friendship is impossible.” Crooks’ loneliness is cause because he is black, at the time the story was taken place there was racism. Since Crooks was black, He wasn't able to socialize with the white men.
In the book of Mice and Men there are many characters that are lonely and want their dreams to come true. This quote means that the good is gone and that the evil is taking over. “ The deep pool of the Salinas river was still in the late afternoon. Already the sun had left the valley to go climbing up the slopes of the Gabilan mountains, and the hilltops were rosy in the sun. But by the pool among the mottled sycamores, a pleasant shade had fallen.” First, the people that are socially lonely in the book is Crooks and Curley's wife. ( Curley’s wife)“ After a pause Crooks said. “ Maybe you better go along to your own house now. We don’t want no trouble.” “ Well, I ain’t giving you no trouble. Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever’ once
Loneliness is an ongoing theme throughout Of Mice and Men. For example, on page 72, Crooks said, “Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody to be near him.” Due to his color, Crooks is ostracized from the other men and only has books to keep him company. He is lonely and need companionship that a book will never be able to provide. Curley’s wife is another example of loneliness. She said to Lennie on page 87, “Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely.” Curley’s wife is frustrated that her husband doesn’t allow her to talk to anybody on the ranch but him. She gets bored of Curley and battles her loneliness by flirting with the ranchers.
John Steinbeck's book of mice and men has lots of event and themes but the most important one is loneliness.Everyone gets lonely but sometimes being lonely makes you a better person, everyone needs someone to be there for them, and no matter who you are you will get lonely.Crooks, Candy and Curley's wife are the 3 loneliest people in the novel. Crooks is isolated candy has no one but his dog and they put him down and Curley's wife who just sits at the house all day while the men work.
1. In the story, Crooks demonstrates extreme loneliness and isolation throughout the story. For example, Lennie and Candy were in Crooks’ room when Crooks said, “Guys don't come into a colored man's room very much. Nobody been in here but Slim. Slim an’ the boss”(75). Crooks tells how nobody but Slim comes to talk or visit with him. How he is just left alone on the ranch to do his own thing. Crook’s has lived on the ranch for most of his life, but no one thought about him, they just expected him to do his own thing. For instance, another example of this is, Lennie had come to Crooks room and Crooks told him how, “I ain’t wanted in the bunkhouse…”(68). He told how no one wanted to be near him or with him, no one wanted anything to do with him. Crooks is the character
George stays with Lennie not because of a deep friendship, but mostly to avoid being lonely. George often tells Lennie what trouble he has caused him, and how much better he would be without him. “God a’ mighty if I was alone I could live so easy. I could get a job an’ work, an’ no trouble.”- pg 11 However, George later explains his reasons for staying with Lennie “Guys like us are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place.”- pg. 13 “With like us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got
The best friendships are those that have mutual dependence. Lennie and George have a mutualistic relationship, and that makes their relationship strong. George tells Lennie that they both need each other by saying, “I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you” (Steinbeck ). Lennie depends on George to take care of him, and George depends on Lennie to be his companion. Although some relationships portray the idea of being mutualistic, in reality they are really parasitic. Bert Cardullo addresses this idea in his article “On the road to tragedy” by saying, “George loved Lennie so much that he wound up
The bond between George and Lennie is more than a friendship, they have developed a family-like love. George starts the story by not wanting Lennie because he could live so easily without without him. Even with the problem of having to take care of Lennie, George cares for Lennie unconditionally. George needed to do the right thing for his friend and give him a respectful passing.