Have you ever felt like you were alone in a room of a hundred people? John Steinbeck, the author of Of Mice and Men, wrote a heartfelt story of two migrant workers, George and Lennie, on their journey to reach the American Dream. After they are chased from their job in Weed they move on to a new job. As they start working in Soledad, California, they meet Candy, the old man with a missing hand, Slim, the skinner, Curley, the boss’s son, Curley’s wife, Crooks, the stable hand with a crooked back and some other workers. Lennie has special needs but George is determined to keep that a secret. This secret eventually ends in Lennie’s and Curley’s wife’s untimely deaths. Steinbeck includes dialogue and conflict between characters in his writing to prove that isolation and loneliness are caused by social barriers as well as personal choices. …show more content…
Soon after George and Lennie meet Slim, he shares his thoughts on traveling with someone. “Slim looked through George and beyond him. ‘Ain’t many guys travel around together,’ he mused. ‘I don't know why. Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.’” (Page 35). This quote proves that isolation can be caused only by personal choice because people aren’t traveling with others by their own decisions and not social barriers. Even if loneliness is caused sometimes by purely personal choice, it can be caused by social barriers as
Are you really as lonely as you think you are? In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the two main characters Steinbeck focuses on, are George and Lennie. Lennie is very childish and cannot do things without someone to help him. George is very independent, but he looks after Lennie, and is like a father figure to Lennie. Lennie gets in trouble in there old town, so him and George leave town and go to find a new job. When they arrive at their new job, George tells lennie not to speak, so he doesn't blow their opportunity at this new job. After the ranchmen see Lennie work, they are very interested in having Lennie and George work on the ranch. Lennie later in the book, kills one of the worker's wives and runs away and hides. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the book focuses on the idea of loneliness, 3 characters that portray loneliness are George, Crooks, and Candy.
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted drive one’s mental health insane. Curley’s wife was lonely mentally and emotionally. It was caused by her lack of communication and association with other people. Curley’s wife inappropriate actions with the other characters and her untimely death in the novel are driven by her loneliness.
The loneliness of Crooks, Lennie, George, and Curley's wife is shown in many different ways. Crooks is the most lonely guy on the whole ranch. For example, he is black so he cannot go inside the bunkhouse, he is not wanted inside the bunkhouse. He plays horseshoes until it gets dark, then he sits in the barn and reads by himself. The loneliness of Lennie is shown through his actions.
Cigarettes are bad, right? Well, so is loneliness. They both correlate in many ways, as both of these dangers lead to thousands of deaths each year. The book “Of Mice and Men” is the story of two men Lennie and George looking for work during the Great Depression. At the same time, they are on the run because of a previous encounter that went bad between Lennie and a girl.
Loneliness in of Mice and Men In the book of mice and men by steinbeck some character are lonely or show signs of being lonely. Some examples are curly’s girlfriend, crooks, and candy.the definition of loneliness is sad because someone has no friends or company. The thing that makes us happy in life is not being lonely and being around people. When we first meet these three characters; they come off as normal people
Loneliness can be one of the worst feeling anybody can experience. Being isolated can lead to loneliness. Crooks in the book Of Mice and Men is a perfect example of a person being lonely due to isolation. Candy and Curley’s wife are also lonely but for different reasons. In the book Of Mice and Men Crooks, Candy, and Curley’s wife all experience loneliness and isolation.
Everybody gets lonely sometimes. Loneliness can cause people to do rash and sometimes terrible things; it can motivate someone to kidnap a child or to simply go out and buy a cat. Whether it’s been death, broken dreams, or the fear of being abandoned, several characters in Of Mice and Men exhibit the trademark signs of loneliness. Lennie, Curley’s wife, Crooks, and even George cannot escape the desolate lives they live simply because they all fail to see the potential inside of each other.
There is always that one day when we spend too long in the shower crying because we have no friends, right? The word Soledad means ‘loneliness’ in Spanish, the California town of Soledad is relevant in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck because many of the characters suffer from loneliness. In this novel, the two main characters, Lennie and George, try to live through the Great Depression of the 1930s by becoming ranch hands on a ranch in Soledad. There, they meet many other characters; among them are Candy, Curley’s wife, and Crooks. All of these people have a loneliness that is a burden on their souls.
Loneliness is a huge part of our lives. Everyone becomes lonely once in a while; in Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men", he shows the loneliness of ranch life in the early 1930's and how some of the people are driven to try and find friendship in order to escape the loneliness that surrounds them. Steinbeck creates a lonely and blue atmosphere many times in the book. He uses the names of specific things and words such as the town near the ranch called "Soledad", which means loneliness in spanish and the card game “Solitaire”, which has the meaning ‘by ones self’. Throughout the whole book it becomes very clear that all the men on the ranch are lonely, with some people lonelier than others.
Steinbeck reveals that the attitude towards old/disabled people on the farm is one of uselessness. Once someone or something is no longer physically useful it should be gone or killed. In this case, in the book Of Mice and Men, Candy, the swamper, has an old dog who he has had for all the pups life. Other than Candy’s love for the dog, there is no reason for the dog to be on the ranch due to its old age and other disabilities. In addition, the dog is smelly and his scent hangs around in the bunkhouse even after he has left the room. So, Carlson, one of the men working on the ranch, offers to kill Candy’s dog for him. Carlson said to Candy that the dog “aint no good to you...An’ he aint no good to himself” (Steinbeck 49). Carlson used those
“I ain't wanted in the bunkhouse, and you ain't wanted in my room”(68). The stable buck, Crooks, says this in Steinbeck’s famous classic “Of Mice and Men.” Everyone feels a sense of loneliness in their life, and in this novella, Steinbeck displays this. Of Mice and Men takes place during the 1930’s. This is a tough time for America.
Unlike the other times where we see her loneliness from her words, this time, Curley’s wife goes out right and tells us how she gets lonely. Curley's wife is upset and her loneliness drives these outbursts. Through all these examples, Steinbeck makes it clear that Curley’s wife is ignored and overlooked, leading to her downright meanness driven by her loneliness. To wind up, George and Lennie’s friendship was for the better in the end as they were able to stay above water, unlike Curley’s wife’s loneliness leading to her death. George and Lennie’s friendship kept Lennie from a painful death as he knew to go to the bushes and wait for George.
Loneliness is an experience that innumerable individuals go through when they have no one on their side to be their companion. Steinbeck achieves in making this theme function with characters in the short story of “Of Mice and Men”, that immediately makes readers step in the characters’ shoes and eventually remember about situations that have been difficult to forget. Steinbeck’s use of the word Soledad, is significant to give the meaning lonely to this town to make the readers get a feeling of a depressing environment all the characters live during the Great Depression. During the Great Depression ever soul actually terrors the sensation of loneliness. Such as, George, Candy, Carlson and Curley’s wife.
Loneliness is like a single candle in the darkness. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the theme of loneliness is a major aspect of the novella. It is established from the first scene with characters George and Lennie, because they are two migrant workers that are alone with no real home. This is like a candle in the darkness because they are their own light and have no one else to help light their path. Steinbeck constructs loneliness through the characters, diction, and perception; the reader can see how loneliness is shown by socially imposed barriers, and personal choice.
The story, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck was first published in 1937. The story is about two migrant workers named George and Lennie, who’s dream is to own farm land of their own. The story takes place on the dusty vegetable fields of a California ranch. George and Lennie find themselves falling into problems and altercations due to Lennie’s mild mental disability. In the end George decides that he cannot afford anymore of the trouble Lennie keeps causing him.