
Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Loneliness is something you don't want in you life. But this is a very sad story because a lot of the people are lonely. They have hard lifes. But thesis are some of the people that are lonely in this story. One person that is lonely in this story is Crooks. This person is the loneliest person in this story he lived in the barn because the other workers didn't want him there. Lenne asked Crooked “why aint you wanted” he tells him because i'm black”(pg 68 lines 16-17). She's just lonely because of his color. If it wasn't for that people would like him. He was also on of the few people who read because he was that lonely. Curley's wife was lonely as well. No one wants to talk to her because she's curleys wife and they'll just get into problems.

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