Mr. Allen
English I
May 13, 2017
The Effects of a Bad Relationship
The effects of a bad relationship can lead to many problems in your life. It can lead to bad mental health, attitude problems, loss of people close to you, your physical health, and more.
Studies show that when you are in a healthy committed you normally are in a healthy mental state. Though when you are in a toxic, difficult, all-around bad relationship you go from having a normal, healthy mental state to a bad mental health. “Negative behaviors, such as hostility and criticism, during conflict in relationships have been linked to negative impacts on mental health.” Iris tene
“Some of the serious long-term effects of remaining in a dysfunctional relationship include the gradual
Pratz’s first main point is that marriages can be predicted to either succeed or end in divorce within the early stages of courtship or initial years of marriage. She offers that the early stages of distress are what determine a couple’s fate. Pratz includes Ted Huston, a professor of human ecology and psychology at the University of Texas, and his Process of Adaptation in Intimate Relationships Project as her main source throughout the article. Pratz states, “through multiple
List and explain factors that lead to poor relationships and that increase the risk of
Dysfunctional Relationships are relationships that do not perform their appropriate function; that is, they do not emotionally support the participants, foster communication among them, appropriately challenge them, or prepare or fortify them for life in the larger world. (Tessina 1)
Relationships always start off good and usually we hope they stay that way, but that is not always the case. Men and woman soon find themselves in abusive relationships filled with pain and regret. Movies and T.V shows give us vast examples of abusive relationships such as intimate terrorism.
Therefore, just like the coming together stages of a relationship there are five stages to coming apart. The first sign of a relationship coming to an end is Differentiating, meaning the couple’s commonalities and differences are affecting them. In the course of this stage, the impetus of “working together” stance instantly move from “couple” to “individualistic”. Temporary estrangement become a solution. For that reason, the relationship shifts rapidly from differences to setting boundaries on the couple’s interaction. This is called the Circumscribing stage, which means to know everything you need to know about your partner but you avoid it by going around the problem. It is like saying your partner isn’t sincere so you avoid the problem and not sort it out which includes less communication.
The key research question in this study is what are the long term effects of parental divorce on a child’s relationship between their parents and their siblings? They took into consideration variables such as age of divorce, gender, and living arrangements so they can see what influence they may have on the present study results and compare it with previous studies. They gave 3 different surveys to 102 students with married parents and 107 students with divorced parents to be able to observe the differences in relationships between the two types of families. Some of the key findings of this study are that females actually have better adult relationships with their siblings and that divorce caused the children to have better relationships with their mother, and worse relationships with their father. They noted that the age when their parents got divorced was not a variable that affected whether or not they had a good relationship with their siblings. For the relationship between their mothers, it was better unless there was a variable of pre-divorce or post-divorce conflict between them. For their fathers, it showed that daughters had worse relationships with their fathers compared to sons. Living arrangements showed effects for both of the parents depending on which parent they lived with. When it comes to remarriage, it had a positive affect on mother-child relationship when the father got remarried and no affect when the mother was remarried.
A healthy relationship requires consistency and stability. According to Dr. John Gottman, a leading researcher in couple issues, “healthy couples have a 5 to 1 ratio of positive to negative behaviors. Unregulated couples have a much lower ratio of positive to negative behaviors.”
Other effects of low relationship satisfaction can be caused from the individuals experiencing anxiety and or depression. Over 25% of military personnel look for professional care due to these diagnostics (Trump, Lamson, & Lewis, 2015). An individual experiencing mental distress does not have the energy to work on a difficult relationship.
As an empath, we are constantly around negative individuals. Perhaps they are continually grumbling, offending others or they have a negative view on pretty much everything. Staying with somebody like that can rapidly drag you down or even destroy your day in the event that you can’t control the
Being in a relationship with a significant other can either benefit or bring someone down emotionally. For someone in a relationship with an abusive significant other they will not be emotionally stable. Whenever a young adult is in an abusive relationship they can become accustom to
Everyone loves a happily ever after. In the romance world, characters go through Hell for each other, but we know that it will all work out in the end. In the real world, people are not nearly as quixotic as they are in movies or books. People have undesirable habits, bad attitudes, and issues that can prevent a relationship from blossoming. In the real world, this could potentially be warning sign of a relationship that is or is about to become toxic. Walking away is hard because being alone is a scary thought for most people. It is human nature to long for human interaction, affection, and contact at least sometimes. When a relationship turns toxic, I have learned that the best thing I can do for myself is get out.
Relationships with a significant other can turn into something that is life-long, or can turn into something brief and can lead to a lot of hurt feelings. Breakups are already hard to go through and sometimes people do not know how to deal with it. There are certain factors that can go into a relationship that are indicators of the failure of the relationship. Past relationships can also be an indicator on whether or not the post relationship dissolution will be positive or negative. Stress is another factor that can make getting over relationships much harder, this is seen especially in young adults. Coping mechanisms to learn can lead to a faster recovery of a person’s mental state and allow someone to become more positive and make new romantic relationships. Relationship dissolution can happen to any couple, early recognition of problems can show if the relationship will be successful or fail. Stress from breakups is also common and knowing ways to deal with it can make it easier to go through. Ways to cope can positively increase a person’s well-being and instead of letting the relationship get to your head, it can make it easier to overcome.
Relationships is a step that two people take since they connected in a romantic way. For some, it might seem far away, but others can’t wait for it to end. Some signs to know you’re on a failed relationship could be lack of respect, no time for each other, can’t find common ground, tired of the same routine and bickering and fighting. Those were some signs that some can be solved but mostly is of a failed relationship. Ending a relationship isn’t as simple as it looks, since there was love or some wouldn’t admit it but at least they cared for each other. One of the reasons you might be reading this is because you want some guidance or advice, and that’s why we recommend you keep reading.
The aim of this paper is to shed light on the reality of how painful a break up can be due to the studies that verify the impact of a breakup on a person for the society to understand and sympathies with the victim of the breakup and for the victim of the breakup, to understand why breakups hurt so much and create that much pain making the victim go through a traumatizing event and not understand what’s happening . Breakups are often discussed in a way that suggests that they have little to no effect on personal well-being and it’s just something a person needs to get over when in reality the breakup is one of hardest events a person can go through especially if the relationship was a serious romantic one that lasted for a long time
Insecurity in relationships; Majority of relationships tends to have the problem of partners being insecure and feeling like they are most likely to be dumped. Therefore, individuals who attempt to leave a relationship increase the risk of being victims of domestic violence; this is because the abuser usually feels abandoned and lonely