
Long Term Effects Of Child Abuse

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Child Abuse “Child abuse started in the 1980s” (bays) all the way until now. Child abuse has a long term and short term effect on a child who has been abused or still being abused by their parents or their care takers. Thiers many different types of child abuse, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Information on child abuse and how to tell if the child is being missed treated inside their homes, and how to get help for the children. The long term effect on a child may be “un explained neurological symptoms also seizures or even death of a child.” (Bays) “FAS long term effect on a child are learning disorders hyperactivity, impulsivity.” (Bays) If the parents or care takers has a drinking problem “They will give them alcohol …show more content…

” The signs for sexual abuse; are inappropriate touching fondling also sexual intercourse.” (Wilson) “A child who has been sexual abuse is at a major risk for psychological distress dissociative experience, depression, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress.”(Bays) “Long term effect of sexually abuse physical because of the high over rap between child abuse and drugs abuse.”(Bays) “The signs for physical abuse are who beaten, burned, even shaken” (Wilson) “There are high percentage of drug abuse report then they were sexually abuse US children.” (Bays) “Neglect is where the child is not supervise by parents or the child guardian, of the child is left in the car …show more content…

add laws criminalizing child abuse away to prevent child abuse from happing.”(Wilson) “The states have agencies they are known as child proactive services.” (Wilson) “The first case of child abuse was an orphan girl who was in a foster

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