Due to the effects of climate change long term effects of global change in the United States will occur. Change is predicted to continue through this century as well as beyond as temperatures will continue to rise, and hurricanes will become stronger and more intense. According to the Third National Climate Assessment Report (2017) from the NASA website points put that global climate is to continue to change over this century and beyond and that the magnitude of climate change beyond the next few decades depends primarily on the amount of heat-trapping gases emitted globally, and how sensitive the Earth’s climate is to those emissions (NASA, 2017). To continue, NASA also concludes that temperatures will continue to rise due to the human induced
Kevin Judd, who writes for a website called Skeptical Science, states that the earth’s temperature is expected to increase by three degrees over the next fifty to one hundred years. He explains that this increase in temperature will result in an increase in extreme weather, such as hurricanes. Humanity is
Studies held in Svalbard have shown that the reindeer population has been decreasing it’s body mass. Reindeer born in the 1990’s weighed about 121 pounds, and those born in 2010 weighed about 106 pounds. This issue is a direct result of climate change, which is the expansion of the greenhouse effect, that is being caused by the doings of humans. Climate change indicates warmer winters means more rain. When the rain freezes, it creates a thick layer of ice above their food, which prevents the reindeer from eating, and creating serious competition for other food. The hungry females either aren’t able to give birth or produce babies that are much tinier.
There is no denying that the effects of climate change are upon us. The cause of climate change, however, is often a debatable topic. The livestock industry is expanding at an alarming rate to meet the needs of an increasing population. Throughout the world, between the years 1971 and 2012, meat production has tripled, to 600 billion pounds a year, while the population only grew by 81%. This generation is currently eating meat on a much larger scale than their parents and grandparents ever did, just a few decades ago (Scheer). Climate change can be referred to as “any long-term change in Earth's climate, or in the climate of a region or city. This includes warming, cooling and changes besides temperature.” according to NASA (Dunbar). To combat
In the twenty-first century, climate change has proved to be a major disaster affecting every country across the world. The adverse effects of the climatic change will continue to influence the next generation if adequate measures are not implemented (George 86). Climate change is a controversial topic. Scientific evidence shows clearly that future generation is at risk though the government and the public responses to this threat are moderately weak. Several corporations admit that climate change is happening yet are waiting for indications from governments to strategies long-term investments procedures to address the risk (Fung, Ana and Mark 43). In the meantime influential forces, mainly the polluting factories as well as fossil energy sector, have bestowed benefits in sustaining their businesses without caring if they are polluting the environment or not. In the developed nations the rate of environmental pollution is very high due to a high number of industries that emits harmful substances in the environment. Several people in industrialized countries wish that climatic change was not real for them not to incur extra cost to mitigate its effects (Ruth, Matthias and María 26). In less developed nations most individuals think that no one can alter the climate because it is under control by divine power. Increasing human activities in areas like transport, industry, energy explorations as well as deforestation all have caused the greenhouse
GOAL: To reduce the total number of greenhouse gas emissions world wide and slow, or stop, globe climate change.
Climate change is one the biggest threats to nature and mankind in the 21st century. The impacts of climate change are visible everywhere, whether it's melting glaciers, rising sea level, severe storms, heavy flooding, reduced snowfall in the north and a severe drought in the south. It will also have a number of effects on the flora and fauna in the future. Scientists predict that global warming in the near future may cause a mass extinction of wildlife, affecting more than 1 million species, i.e. about a quarter of all kinds of currently known. World overheating causes significant changes in climatic conditions and it can damage sensitive ecosystems in which species live.
Climate change is happening and it is devastating.For example it’s affecting glaciers, the Southwest region, oceans,and agriculture. People know that climate change is happening because of studies shown in multiple places.For example studies show that temperatures in the southwest have increased by almost two degrees fahrenheit. This shows that climate change is devastating because increasing temperatures can cause damage to environment. Also glaciers are melting consistently because of climate change and less snow. According to “National Snow and Ice Data Center” The amount of land sea ice that is covered in snow has decreased between 1966 and 2010, over many Northern Hemisphere Regions. From this you can see that climate change is
There is no denying that the impact of climate change on human health has become increasingly prominent in recent years, it has become almost a matter of concern to all humanity. According to statistics, every year 150,000 people will die of disasters caused by climate change in Europe (BBC, 2017). Among them, the spread of viruses, natural disasters and agricultural production are the three main negative effects on human health from climate change.
“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate.” (Barack Obama). Climate change has been a popular topic of discussion for years now, due to its crucial threat to our environment. The world will forever be altered if climate change isn’t taken into serious consideration and not in a good way. Climate change is happening now and immediate action should be taken to stop it. The damage to our earth cannot always be undone. Climate change has had many negative effects from damaging coral reefs or the increase of wildfires, but most importantly rising sea levels.
Is it too late to go back? Can we leave our plan in sustainable place for future generations? Climate change is happening weather we like it or not, what are we going to do? Mahtma Ghandi once said “ you need to be the change you wish to see in the world”. Climate change is causing unbelievably high levels of carbon dioxide , the global economy is estimated to drop by 23 percent by 2100. Our glaciers are melting at an unbelievable pace, Zacharie Isstrom is melting at a pace of 5 billion tons per year.
Climate change has become the dominant environmental issue of our time. According to BBC’s article “A Brief History of Climate Change”, the theory dates to the 19th century when a French physicist, Joseph Fourier, described the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect in 1824; followed by an Irish physicist, John Tyndall, who in 1861 showed that water vapour and certain other gases create the greenhouse effect; and in 1896, a Swedish chemist, Svante Arrhenius, concluded that industrial age coal burning will enhance the natural greenhouse effect. He reported that the buildup of carbonic acid in the Earth’s atmosphere created the possibility that the Earth will gradually grow warmer.
There is no denying that the effects of climate change are here. The cause of climate change, however, is often a debatable topic. The livestock industry is expanding at an alarming rate to meet the needs of an increasing population. Throughout the world, between the years 1971 and 2012, meat production has tripled, to 600 billion pounds a year, while the population only grew by 81%. This generation is currently eating meat on a much larger scale than their parents and grandparents ever did, just a few decades ago (Scheer). Climate change can be referred to as “any long-term change in Earth 's climate, or in the climate of a region or city. This includes warming, cooling and changes besides temperature.” according to NASA (Dunbar). To combat these undesirable, extreme temperatures, everyone has been told before to turn off the lights when leaving a room or to plant a tree, but rarely does one hear the suggestion to eat less or no meat. With an increasing threat of global warming largely due to the livestock industry, it is imperative that Americans start practicing vegetarianism to decrease methane produced by farm animals, carbon dioxide from transporting meat and by eliminating the deforestation required to make farmland for the livestock industry.
With climate change being upon us, the time to act is now. Evidence of drastic climate changes include the following: record low polar ice caps during the summer of 2012, record drought in California, excessive flooding in the eastern half of Texas and record heat in India. This is all evidence of what our “normal” climate will be like in the future. If we don’t act right now, we will live in a world where cities along the coast like Miami, New York and New Orleans will be partially underwater. Record breaking heatwaves like the Chicago Heatwave of 1995 and the European Heatwave during the summer of 2003 will become a normal occurrence. Furthermore, polar bears will become extinct, since there will be little to no ice in the arctic during the next few years and decades. Therefore, we must be cautious of the actions that we take right now, since the future of our planet is heavily dependent on it. Increased burning of fossil fuels and rising greenhouse gases have both boosted the rate of climate change to unprecedented lengths that we have never seen before. If we don’t reduce greenhouse gases, we will live in a world that is “anywhere from 1.8C (3.24F) warmer (low emissions scenario) to 4C (7.2F) warmer (high emissions scenario) by 2050.” (Freeman & Guzman 1545) Either way, coastal regions will have to cope with rising sea levels, receding coastlines and flooding that could endanger the lives of many. Considering this, the big question is “how has the U.S. engaged with the
The world that we live in changes daily, as does our climate. The Earth's temperature has drastically changed throughout history. Over the last 650,000 years, there have been several different cycles of glacial advances and meltings. Around 7,000 years ago, the most recent ice age occured, which marked the ride of the current climate era. Despite the fact people are ignorant to just how significant climate is, the topic is especially important to all humans and animals, as it causes extreme weather changes, natural disasters and other crucial, harmful effects on both our community and health.
Ice melting at the earths poles, sea levels rising at increasing rates, increased precipitation, and the vast migrations of millions of animals to cooler climates all are impacts of increasing temperatures that are happening right now. Within the next century, sea levels will rise 7 - 23 inches, Storms will become much stronger, floods/droughts will become more common, and many, many other negative environmental changes (Cook). These changes in the environment have been the topic of debate for decades, but has become more and more common over the past few years.