1)For long-term outcome “Being able to work in a competitive and integrated environment can improve wages, skill development and quality of life for individuals with intellectual/ developmental disabilities” the assumptions that should be met for this to be achieved are as listed: A) Move away from the use of segregated settings by eliminating plausible eligibility for programs that are not integrated into the community. B) Require that people with disabilities and their families be informed about integrated employment opportunities. C) Emphasize work opportunities for individuals with disabilities as early as possible. D) Modify state programs that function for the benefit of segregated workshops instead of integrated employment. …show more content…
A) Increased development of communication, social and integrated skills are provided. B) Individuals spend most of the day interacting or learning alongside people without disabilities. C) Foster, or develop community-based work experiences in association with business owners and service providers in local communities. D) Promote the use of natural supports such as supervisors, coworkers, family, and friends. 4)Long-term outcomes “Independence and a higher salary for individuals with disabilities will reduce the financial burdens and stress for family members and caregivers,” the following must be met to achieve this outcome. A) Youth with disabilities are exposed and allowed to access to integrated transition services early as possible. B) Transition services for students with I/DD, to include internships, visitations to job sites and mentoring, allowing students to leave school prepared for jobs in the community at competitive wages. C) Provide students and parents with the information and resources needed to be informed in the decision-making
As the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act approaches later this month, it is clear that many of the fears of the business community failed to materialize. In the first five years of the act, there was no wave of business failures tied to compliance; no wave of unqualified applicants whom businesses were forced to hire; no wave of workers suddenly claiming disability due to a bad back; and no wave of lawsuits that inundated businesses with the burden of undue legal costs. (ADA.gov, 1995). In fact, tax subsidies provided in the act helped many businesses afford to make necessary access accommodations as well as to provide other reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities, and the positive ramifications have been considerable. Up to 45 percent of the disabled population now hold jobs and are contributing to the economy, (Brault, 2012).
People with disabilities suffer discrimination such as the refuse of companies to hire those peoples. An estimated 386 million of the world’s working-age persons have some kind of disability, according to ILO. In a recent research, they found that two-third of the unemployed and disable persons said that they would like to work but they could not find jobs.
Having workers with disabilities can be beneficial to organizations. Sotoa & Kleiner, 2013, recommend to incorporate disability into the agency’s diversity statement, increase supervisor knowledge of the employment of people with
Persons with intellectual disabilities have also see a significant increase in life expectancy, and are more likely to outlive their caregiver. Workers with long-term disability see a significant decline in employment beginning in the 40-49 age range, while their non-disabled counterparts do not typically see a decline until 10-20 years later (Mitchel, Adkins, & Kemp, 2006). According to Brown and Johnson (2014), the vocational rehabilitation system has served very few of these workers, with poor outcomes. Although this group is a smaller population than those older workers with age acquired disabilities, they appear to be underserved by vocational rehabilitation and deserve
The role of the government in giving decent employment to people with intellectual disabilities is immense. In the United Kingdom, for example, the Department of found out that 7% of adults with learning disabilities were able to engage in some form of paid employment. The vast majority of this labour force is comprised of part-time work. The British Association for Supported Employment was a program that has been successfully implemented for decades as a personalised model for giving support to people with significant intellectual disabilities to secure and retain paid employment. This government program uses a partnership strategy to help people with disabilities to achieve a sustainable and long-term employment. It also helped businesses
The article “Providing Work Opportunities for People with Disabilities Benefits Economy and Society” was published on
Along with the above there must be an action plan in place to outline methods of removing discriminatory barriers for example:
A) Adjust applicant pool in such a way to ultimately enroll the students that meet your strategic goals.
Disability is issue that require both the motivation and global mobility of all public and private sectors. It is the issue is not limited to the individual role, but is an issue the entire community. They need more attention by creating suitable environment and providing education and work for them. Therefore, the US government issued legislation and laws to save disability rights. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it required to provide reasonable accommodation, which include suitable and work environment to create equal opportunities and benefits like others.
I agree with the author that compensation model is unsatisfactory when addressing people with disabilities. According to the author, the government is assumed to be responsible for providing financial consideration for people with a disability to make them whole” (Pg. 44). I agree that it is the government’s responsibility to put into place reasonable accommodations to help people with a disability improve their economic conditions (Pg. 45). Unfortunately the burden has been place on the government’s shoulders.
* In assisting them to achieve positive outcome the services focus on the achievement of the positive outcomes for people with disabilities, such as increased independence, employment opportunities and integration into the community.
.Advance the equality of opportunity's for those who share protected characteristics and those who don't
Nationally, the poverty and employment situation for DD people is concerning. O'Day, & Livermore, & Imparato, (2006), researched poverty for people with developmental disabilities. O'Day, &
The importance of education for all children, especially for those with disability and with limited social and economic opportunities, is indisputable. Indeed, the special education system allowed children with disability increased access to public education. Apart from that, the special education system has provided for them an effective framework for their education, and for the institutions involved to identify children with disability sooner. In turn, this promotes greater inclusion of children with disability alongside their nondisabled peers. In spite of these advances however, many obstacles remain, including delays in providing services for children with disability, as well as regulatory and
The topic of disabled people being employed has been long avoided. In the world, employment is critical for people with disabilities. Do you remember the last time you went to the grocery store and noticed a person with disabilities working there? Usually disabled people do not have jobs , no matter how eager they are to work. Disabilities can cause individuals to face challenges in many areas of their lives. Our country is being weighed down by the lack of knowledge of disabled people. They should be treated the same and with equality. In society, most people seem to forget this simple fact, that the disabled are people too. People with disabilities deserve the opportunity to be productive citizens and become a part of the workforce due to conventions, the Disabilities Act of 1990, and The Employment Development Department.