
Long Term Outcomes

Decent Essays

1)For long-term outcome “Being able to work in a competitive and integrated environment can improve wages, skill development and quality of life for individuals with intellectual/ developmental disabilities” the assumptions that should be met for this to be achieved are as listed: A) Move away from the use of segregated settings by eliminating plausible eligibility for programs that are not integrated into the community. B) Require that people with disabilities and their families be informed about integrated employment opportunities. C) Emphasize work opportunities for individuals with disabilities as early as possible. D) Modify state programs that function for the benefit of segregated workshops instead of integrated employment. …show more content…

A) Increased development of communication, social and integrated skills are provided. B) Individuals spend most of the day interacting or learning alongside people without disabilities. C) Foster, or develop community-based work experiences in association with business owners and service providers in local communities. D) Promote the use of natural supports such as supervisors, coworkers, family, and friends. 4)Long-term outcomes “Independence and a higher salary for individuals with disabilities will reduce the financial burdens and stress for family members and caregivers,” the following must be met to achieve this outcome. A) Youth with disabilities are exposed and allowed to access to integrated transition services early as possible. B) Transition services for students with I/DD, to include internships, visitations to job sites and mentoring, allowing students to leave school prepared for jobs in the community at competitive wages. C) Provide students and parents with the information and resources needed to be informed in the decision-making

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